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Electro-Osmotic Pulse (EOP) Technology >

Groundwater Intrusion Control Using
Electro-Osmotic Pulse (EOP) Technology


The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) offers engineering services on a reimbursable basis to adapt EOP Technology for application in locations and activities that are unique to the public sector. In its basic form, EOP technology helps mitigate water-related ("wet basement") problems from the interior (negative side) of affected areas without the cost of excavation. The EOP system uses pulses of electricity to reverse the natural flow of water, actually forcing moisture to flow away from treated structures. The CERL team, with industry partner OsmoTech, has extended the application of EOP technology to treat military installation housing communities, lock and dam structures, subway tunnels, and roadway pavement.


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Cutaway profile of the EOP installation in the Washington DC Metro tunnel. (click to view larger image)

Cutaway profile of the EOP installation in the Washington DC Metro tunnel.

 Workman drilling a hole for the cathode.

 DC Metro Medical Station tunnel, near the EOP installation site.

 Detail of an installed cathode rod.

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Page last updated: 02 September 2008

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