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237 Challenges to Persian Gulf Security: How Should the United States Respond? By Judith S. Yaphe, November 2008 PDF
236 NATO’s Uncertain Future: Is Demography Destiny? By Jeffrey Simon, October 2008 PDF
235 To Be Announced By Steven Kramer, October 2008 PDF
234 Irregular Warfare: New Challenges for Civil-Military Relations By Patrick M. Cronin, September 2008 PDF
233 Defense Transformation a la francaise and U.S. Interests By Leo G. Michel, September 2008 PDF
232 Energy Security in South Asia: Can Interdependence Breed Stability? By Joseph McMillan, August 2008 PDF
231 China’s Rising Influence in Asia: Implications for U.S. Policy By Ellen L. Frost, James J. Przystup, and Phillip C. Saunders, April 2008 PDF
230 After the Surge: Next Steps in Iraq? By Judith S. Yaphe, February 2008 PDF
229 The European Union: Measuring Counterterrorism Cooperation By David T. Armitage, Jr., October 2007 PDF
228S Seguridad Transamericana: Que' hace falta? Por Luigi R. Einaudi, September 2007 PDF
228 Trans-American Security: What’s Missing? By Luigi R. Einaudi, September 2007 PDF
227 The Country Team: Restructuring America's First Line of Engagement By Robert B. Oakley and Michael Casey Jr., July 2007 PDF
226 Preventing Balkan Conflict: The Role of Euroatlantic Institutions By Jeffrey Simon, April 2007 PDF
225 Can Deterrence Be Tailored? By M. Elaine Bunn, January 2007 PDF
224 Combating Opium in Afghanistan By Ali Jalali, Robert B. Oakley, and Zoe Hunter, November 2006 PDF
223 China, Russia and the Balance of Power in Central Asia by Eugene Rumer, November 2006 PDF
222 Southeast Asian Security Challenges: America's Response? by Marvin C. Ott, October 2006 PDF
221 Reforming Strategic Decisionmaking By Christopher J. Lamb and Irving Lachow, July 2006 PDF
220 Visions of Order: Japan and China in U.S. Strategy By James J. Przystrup and and Phillip C. Saunders, June 2006 PDF
219 Restructuring Special Operations Forces for Emerging Threats by David Tucker and Christopher J. Lamb, January 2006 PDF
218 Constabulary Forces and Postconflict Transition: The Euro-Atlantic Dimension by David T. Armitage, Jr., and Anne M. Moisan, November 2005 PDF
217 Sustaining U.S.-European Global Security Cooperation by Stephen J. Flanagan, September 2005 PDF
216 U.S.-Australia Alliance Relations: An Australian View by Paul Dibb, August 2005 PDF
215 The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Toward an Equitable and Durable Solution by Aaron David Miller, July 2005 PDF
214 Insurgency: Modern Warfare Evolves into a Fourth Generation by T.X. Hammes, January 2005 PDF
213 Japan's Constitution and Defense Policy:  Entering a New Era? by Rust Deming, November 2004 PDF
212 Apocalyptic Terrorism:  The Case for Preventive Action by Joseph McMillan, November 2004 PDF
211 Eliminating Adversary WMD: Lessons for Future Conflicts   by Rebecca K.C. Hersman and Todd M. Koca,  October 2004
210 Shaping U.S. Policy on Africa: Pillars of a New Strategy   by Johnnie Carson,  September 2004
209 Deploying Missile Defense: Major Operational Challenges   by M. Elaine Bunn,  August 2004
208 Turbulent Transition in Iraq: Can It Succeed?   by Judith S. Yaphe,  June 2004
207 Collision Avoidance: U.S.-Russian Bilateral Relations and Former Soviet States  by Eugene B. Rumer,  April 2004
207/R RUSSIAN TRANSLATION - Стратегический форум №207 – Избежание столкновений: двусторонние отношения США и России и бывшие советские государства, Евгений Б. Румер, издательство «NDU Press», апрель 2004 г.
206 Partnership for Peace: Charting a Course for a New Era   by Jeffrey Simon  March 2004
206/R RUSSIAN TRANSLATION - Стратегический форум №206 - «Партнерство ради мира»: наметки курса для новой эпохи, Джеффри Саймон, издательство «NDU Press», март 2004 г.
205 Securing Afghanistan: Entering a Make-or-Break Phase?   by Robert B. Oakley and T.X. Hammes,  March 2004 HTML PDF
204 Modernizing China's Military:  A High-Stakes Gamble?   by Howard M. Krawitz,  December 2003 HTML PDF
203 Central Asian Leadership Succession:  When, Not If   by Eugene B. Rumer,  December 2003 HTML PDF
202 NATO Decisionmaking:  Au Revoir to Consensus?   by Leo G. Michel,  August 2003 HTML PDF
201 Resolving Korea's Nuclear Crisis: Tough Choices for China   by Howard M. Krawitz , August 2003 HTML PDF
200 Preemptive Action: When, How, and to What Effect?   by M. Elaine Bunn , July 2003 HTML PDF
199 Finding a Kashmir Settlement: The Burden of Leadership   by Teresita C. Schaffer, June 2003 HTML PDF
198 Building an Iraqi Defense Force by Joseph McMillan, June 2003 HTML PDF
197 The ROK–U.S. Alliance: Where Is It Headed? by Kim Dong Shin, April 2003 HTML PDF
196 Dissuasion as a Strategic Concept by Richard Kugler, December. 2002 HTML PDF
195 Flashman's Revenge: Central Asia after September 11 by Eugene Rumer, December 2002 HTML PDF
195/R RUSSIAN TRANSLATION - Flashman's Revenge as printed in Kosmopolis, April 2003 HTML
194 Colombia's War: Toward a New Strategy by Jay Cope, October 2002 HTML PDF
194/S SPANISH TRANSLATION - La Guerra de Colombia: Hacia una Nueva Estrategia, by Jay Cope, October 2002   PDF
193 China's Trade Opening: Implications for Regional Stability by Howard M. Krawitz, August 2002 HTML PDF
192 U.S.-Russian Relations: Toward a New Strategic Framework by Eugene B. Rumer and Richard D. Sokolsky, May 2002 HTML PDF
191 Terrorism's Financial Lifeline: Can It be Severed? by Kimberley L. Thachuk, May 2002 HTML PDF

Anticipating Strategic Surprise on the Korean Peninsula by James J . Przystup, March 2002

189 Homeland Security:  The New Role for Defense by Steven J. Tomisek, February 2002 HTML PDF
188 U.S.-Iran Relations:  Normalization in the Future? by Judith S. Yaphe, January 2002 HTML PDF
187 Adversary Use of NBC Weapons:  A Neglected Challenge by John F. Reichart, December 2001 HTML PDF
186 U.S.-Saudi Relations: Rebuilding the Strategic Consensus by Joseph McMillan, November 2001 HTML PDF
185 China: Making the Case for Realistic Engagement by Michael E. Marti, September 2001 HTML PDF
184 Do European Union Defense Initiatives Threaten NATO ?  by Kori N. Schake, August 2001 HTML PDF
183 Regional Conflicts with Strategic Consequences by M. Elaine Bunn, David E. Mosher, and Richard D. Sokolsky, July 2001 HTML PDF
182 A Golden Opportunity: The Next Steps in U.S.-Indian Relations by John C. Holzman, July 2001 HTML PDF
181 A Military for the 21st Century:  Lessons from the Recent Past by Anthony C. Zinni, July 2001 HTML PDF
180 Normalizing U.S.-Russian Relations by Eugene B. Rumer and Richard D. Sokolsky, April 2001 HTML PDF
179 Revising the Two-Major Theater War Standard by Hans Binnendijk and Richard L. Kugler, April 2001 HTML PDF
178 Renovating U.S. Strategic Arms Control Policy by Richard D. Sokolsky, February 2001    HTML PDF
177 The U.S. Strategic Posture Review: Issues for the New Administration by M. Elaine Bunn and Richard D. Sokolsky, February 2001 HTML PDF
176 The Next Round of NATO Enlargement by Jeffrey Simon, October 2000 HTML PDF
175 China Rising:  New Challenges to the U.S. Security Posture by Jason D. Ellis and Todd M. Koca, October 2000  HTML PDF
174 Military Lessons from Desert One to the Balkans by Ike Skelton, October 2000  HTML PDF
173 "One China" and Relations Across the Taiwan Strait by Ronald N. Montaperto, James Przystup, and Gerald Faber, September 2000 HTML PDF
172 Transforming the Armed Forces of Central and East Europe by Jeffrey Simon, June. 2000  HTML PDF
171 Indonesian Democratic Transition by Ronald N. Montaperto, James J. Przystup, Gerald W. Faber, and Adam Schwarz, April. 2000 HTML
170 South Asia:  Back to Basics by Ambassador Edward Gibson Lanpher, March 2000 HTML
169 DoD and Consequence Management by Rebecca Hersman and W. Seth, December 1999 HTML
168 Protection for Humanitarian Relief Operations by Michael J. Dziedzic, December. 1999 HTML
167 Partnership For Peace (PFP):  After the Washington Summit and Kosovo by Jeffrey Simon, August 1999 HTML
166 Humanitarian Intervention:  The Case for Legitimacy by Charles B. Shotwell and Kimberly Thachuk, July 1999 HTML
165 U.S.-European Union Relations by Steven Philip Kramer and Iren Kyriakopoulos, July 1999 HTML
164 German Security Policy by Peter Goebel, June 1999 HTML
163 Japan's Security Policy by Toshio Saito, May 1999 HTML
162 Mutualism:  An American Strategy for the Next Century by Hugh De Santis, May 1999 HTML
161 Back to Bipolarity ? by Hans Binnendijk with Alan Henrikson, May 1999 HTML
160 The New NATO Members:  Will They Contribute ? by Jeffrey Simon, April 1999 HTML
159 A Comprehensive Approach to North Korea by Richard L. Armitage, March 1999 HTML
158 Reconciliation in South Africa by Michael Everett, January 1999 HTML
157 U.K. Defense Policy by Michael O'Neill, January 1999 HTML
156 The Current Nuclear Dialogue by Leon Sloss, January 1999 HTML
155 Turkey’s Year of Living Dangerously by Judith S. Yaphe, January 1999 HTML
154 NATO's IFOR in Action by Leighton W. Smith, January 1999 HTML
153 U.S.-Central Asian Security by Sylvia Babus and Judith Yaphe, January 1999  HTML
152 North Korean Leadership by Jei Guk Jeon, December 1998 HTML  
151 Central and East European Security by Jeffery Simon, December 1998 HTML  
150 Sources of Balkan Insecurity:  The Need for a Comprehensive Strategy by Jeffrey Simon, October 1998 HTML  
149 NATO After the First Tranche by Hans Binnendijk and Richard L. Kugler, October 1998 HTML  
148 The Australian Defence Force by Ian Wing, October 1998 HTML  
147 Hemispheric Security Relations by John A. Cope, September 1998 HTML  
146 Systems Concepts for Executives by Rolf Clark, August. 1998 HTML  
145 U.S. Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century by Robert Joseph and Ronald Lehman, August 1998 HTML  
144 Russia's Peacetime Battlefield by James H. Brusstar, August 1998 HTML  
143 Global Mine Clearance by Carl T. Sahlin, Jr., August 1998 HTML  
142 Bulgaria and NATO: 7 Lost Years by Jeffrey Simon, May 1998 HTML  
141 Rethinking the Role of Nuclear Weapons by David C. Gompert, May 1998 HTML  
140 Global Order and Security Privatization by Herbert Howe, May 1998 HTML  
139 Simplified Complexity:  Thinking in the White Spaces by Gerry Gingrich, May 1998 HTML  
138 Responding to Proliferation Threats by Michael B. Wallerstein, May 1998 HTML  
137 Security of the Western Hemisphere by Max G. Manwaring, April 1998 HTML  
136 Radiological Dispersal Devices by James L. Ford, March 1998 HTML  
135 Turkey's Role in the New World Order by General Çevik Bir, Deputy Chief of Turkey's General Staff, February 1998 HTML  
134 The U.S. Role in Global Security by John Hillen, February 1998 HTML  
133 Where is NATO’s Defense Posture Headed? by Richard Kugler and Tony Vanderbeek, February 1998 HTML  
132 Information Dominance by Martin C. Libicki, November 1997 HTML  
131 Dynamic Commitment: Wargaming Projected Forces Against the QDR Defense Strategy by Clarence E. Carter, Philip D. Coker and Stanley Gorenc, November 1997 HTML  
130 Energy Security in a Time of Plenty by Patrick Clawson, October 1997 HTML  
129 NATO Enlargement: Putting the Cost in Perspective by David C. Gompert, October 1997 HTML  
128 Costs of NATO Enlargement by Richard L. Kugler, October 1997 HTML  
127 The Threat of Bioterrorism by W. Seth Carus, September 1997 HTML  
126 The Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) by Patrick Cronin and Marvin Ott, August. 1997 HTML  
125 Saudi Arabia: Uncertain Stability by Judith S. Yaphe, July 1997 HTML  
124 Iran: Torn by Domestic Disputes by Patrick Clawson, July 1997 HTML  
123 Iraq: Troubles and Tension by Phebe A. Marr, July 1997 HTML  
122 Turkey's International Affairs by Sean Kay and Judith S. Yaphe, July 1997 HTML  
121 Turkey's Domestic Affairs by Judith S. Yaphe, July 1997 HTML  
120 The IFOR/SFOR Experience: The Lessons Learned by PFP Partners by Jeffrey Simon, July 1997 HTML  
119 Task Force XXI: The Army's Digital Experiment by Mark Hanna, July 1997 HTML  
118 The Strategic Environment of 2010 by Mort Rolleston, July 1997 HTML  
117 Panama 2000 by Hans Binnendijk and L. Erik Kjonnerod, June 1997 HTML  
116 Strategic Human Capital by Lynn M. Scott, June 1997 HTML  
115 Defining Information Power , by Dan Kuehl, June 1997 HTML  
114 PLA Views on Asia Pacific Security in the 21st Century by Ronald N. Montaperto and Hans Binnendijk, June 1997 HTML  
113 Iran as a Military Threat by W. Seth Carus, May 1997 HTML  
112 Colombian Sovereignty Under Siege by James L. Zackrison and Eileen Bradley
Soberanía Colombiana Sitiada, por James L. Zackrison y Eileen Bradley, May 1997

111 Slavakia and NATO: The Madrid Summit and After by Jeffrey Simon, April 1997 HTML  
110 Deterring Iranian NBC Use by Paula DeSutter, April 1997 HTML  
109 Deterrence in a New Security Environment by General Eugene B. Habiger, April 1997    HTML  
108 Elections in Great Britain by INSS European Team, April 1997 HTML  
107 After the Madrid Summitt: by Sean Kay and Hans Binnendijk, March 1997 HTML  
106 Hong Kong and China by Dennis J. Blasko and Ronald N. Montaperto, March 1997 HTML  
105 Joint Information Warfare by Dan Kuehl, March 1997 HTML  
104 Islamic Radicalism by Judith S. Yaphe, February 1997 HTML  
103 The People's Republic and Taiwan by Robert A. Manning and Ronald Montaperto, February 1997 HTML  
102 Caribbean Regional Security by Ivelaw L. Griffith, February 1997 HTML  
101 Romania and NATO by Jeffrey Simon & Hans Binnendijk, February 1997 HTML  
100 Export Controls by Peter Sullivan, December 1996 HTML  
99 Information Warfare: An Old Operational Concept With New Implications by Abe Singer and Scott Rowell, December 1996 HTML  
98 Southeast Asian Chokepoints by John H. Noer, December 1996    HTML  
97 Partnership For Peace by Vernon Penner, December 1996 HTML  
96 The Changing Defense Industrial Base by Gerald Abbott and Stuart Johnson, November 1996 HTML  
95 Iraq's Enduring Proliferation Threat by Peter Sullivan, November 1996 HTML  
94 French Military Reforms and Strategy by Ronald Tiersky, November 1996 HTML  
93 Hungary's 'Near Abroad' by Hans Binnendijk and Jeffrey Simon, November 1996 HTML  
92 Burma: A Strategic Perspective by Marvin Ott, November 1996 HTML  
91 Information Operations in Bosnia by Kenneth Allard, November 1996 HTML  
90 The CIS and the Caucasus by Edward Marks, November 1996  HTML PDF
89 The Shifting Chinese Public Image of the United States by Ming Zhang, November 1996  HTML  
88 Islamic Radicalism in North Africa by William H. Lewis and Judith S. Yaphe, October 1996 HTML  
87 Information Warfare and Deterrence by Richard E. Hayes and Gary Wheatley, October 1996 HTML  
86 An All-African Peace Force: by William D. Bajusz and Kevin P. O'Prey, October 1996 HTML  
85 ASEAN and Regional Security by Patrick M. Cronin and Emily T. Metzgar, October 1996 HTML  
84 Policing the New World Disorder by Robert Oakley and Michael Dziedzic, October 1996 HTML  
83 United Nations Role Sharing by William H. Lewis, September 1996 HTML  
82 Information & Nuclear RMAs Compared by Martin C. Libicki, July 1996 HTML  
81 Bosnia: Peace by Piece by Daniel Serwer, July 1996 HTML  
80 The FY 1997-2001 Defense Budget by Stuart Johnson and James Blaker, July 1996 HTML  
79 Tomorrow's Air Force by Martin C. Libicki and Richard Szafranski, July 1996 HTML  
78 Operation Uphold Democracy: Military Support for Democracy in Haiti by David Bentley, June 1996 HTML  
77 Sustaining Success in Haiti... by Robert Oakley and Michael Dziedzic, June 1996 HTML  
76 Building the NATO-Russia Relationship by Sergey Rogov, May 1996 HTML  
75 The U.S.-Japan Alliance Redefined by Patrick M. Cronin, May 1996 HTML  
74 International Organized Crime: A Growing National Security Threat by Brian Sullivan, May 1996 HTML  
73 Operation Sea Signal: U.S. Military Support for Caribbean Migration Emergencies by David Bentley, May 1996 HTML  
72 The Third Wave: What the Tofflers Never Told You by Thomas J. Czerwinski, April 1996 HTML  
71 Escalating Tensions in South Asia by Robert B. Oakley and Jed C. Snyder, April 1996 HTML  
70 Regional Deterrence Strategies for New Proliferation Threats by Jerome H. Kahan, April 1996 HTML  
69 Ukraine: The Security Fulcrum of Europe by Roman Popadiuk, April 1996 HTML  
68 U.S. Strategic Objectives in East Asia by Hans Binnendijk, March 1996 HTML  
67 Islamic Radicalism in the Arabian Peninsula: Growing Risks by Judith S. Yaphe, March 1996 HTML  
66 NATO's Response to the Proliferation Challenge by Robert Joseph, March 1996 HTML  
65 Great Power Restorationists make gains in the Russian Duma by Jim Brusstar and Ellen Jones, March 1996 HTML  
64 Turbulent Peace: The United States Role in a Dynamic World by Michael Mandelbaum, February 1996 HTML  
63 The Emerging U.S. System-of Systems by Admiral William A. Owens, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, February 1996 HTML  
62 After IFOR by Charles Barry, February. 1996 HTML  
61 War in the Pits: Marine-Futures Traders Wargame by F.J. West, Jr., February 1996 HTML  
60 South China Sea: Future Source of Prosperity or Conflict in South East Asia? by Richard E. Hull, February 1996 HTML  
59 Nuclear Smuggling: How Serious a Threat? by James L. Ford, January 1996 HTML  
58 Biological Warfare: A Nation at Risk - A time to Act by The Honorable Richard Danzig Under Secretary of the Navy, January 1996 HTML  
57 Baltic Security and NATO Enlargement by Hans Binnendijk and Jeffrey Simon, December 1995 HTML  
56 China as a Military Power by Ron Montaperto, December. 1995 HTML  
55 NATO Enlargement: Sailing between Scylla and Charydis by Hans Binnendijk, November. 1995 HTML  
54 Russia's Duma Elections: Why they should matter to the United States by Ellen Jones and James H. Brusstar, November 1995 HTML  
53 Other Military Operations & Technology by Gary Wheatley, November 1995 HTML  
52 The Outlook for Russian Foreign Policy: Great Power Restoration by James H. Brusstar and Ellen Jones, November 1995 HTML  
51 Unifying U.S. Policy on Japan by Patrick M. Cronin and Ezra F. Vogel, November 1995 HTML  
50 A Military in Charge of Itself: Civilian Control is a Russian Myth by Alexander A. Belkin and James H. Brusstar, October 1995 HTML  
49 The Impact of Korean Local Elections by William Drennan, October 1995 HTML  
48 The CFE Treaty: Building European Security by Jeffrey D. McCausland, October 1995 HTML  
47 New Security Relations in the Americas by Richard Downes, September 1995 HTML  
46 Civil Defense in the Information Age by Oscar Round and Earle Rudolph, Jr., September 1995 HTML  
45 Dynamics of Peacekeeping in Georgia by Edward Marks, September 1995 HTML  
44 Partnership for Peace: Guaranteeing Success by Dr. Jeffrey Simon, 1995 HTML  
43 After the Cold War, South Asian Security by Dr. Jed C. Snyder, 1995 HTML  
42 Managing U.S. Relations with China, Towards a New Strategic Bargain by Dr. Ron Montaperto, August 1995 HTML  
41 Ocean Law: Senate Approval of the UN Convention by Ann L. Hollick, August 1995 HTML  
40 U.S. - GCC Security Relations, II: Growing Domestic Economic and Political Problems by Dr. Patrick Clawson, August 1995 HTML  
39 U.S. - GCC Security Relations, I: Differing Threat Perceptions by Dr. Phebe Marr, August 1995 HTML  
38 Russian Urban Tactics: Lessons from the Battle for Grozny by Lester W. Grau, 1995 HTML  
37 Ballistic Missile Defense, The Need for a National Debate by Robert Joseph and Keith Payne, July 1995 HTML  
36 Ballistic Missile Defense, An Administration Perspective by Robert G. Bell, July 1995 HTML  
35 The Next Enemy by Martin Libicki, July 1995 HTML  
34 NATO Enlargement: A Russian Perspective by Alexei K. Pushkov, July 1995 HTML  
33 Multilateralism in Southeast Asia by Michael W. Everett, June 1995 HTML  
32 Algeria at the Brink by William H. Lewis, June 1995 HTML  
31 NATO Enlargement by Jeff Simon, May 1995 HTML  
30 Peace Operations: A Comparison of Somalia and Haiti by Robert Oakley and David Bentley, May 1995 HTML  
29 Koreapolitik James Goodby and William Drennan, May 1995 HTML  
28 What is Information Warfare? Martin Libicki, May 1995 HTML  
27 Peace Operations, Is a Standing Force Needed? William H. Lewis , 1995 HTML  
26 Energy and National Security Patrick Clawson, April 1995 HTML  
25 Peace Operations by Edward Marks, April 1995 HTML  
24 Egypt's Regional Role by Phebe Marr, April 1995 HTML  
23 The Agreed Framework with the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea by Honorable Walter B. Slocombe, March 1995 HTML  
22 Central European Civil-Military Relations and NATO Expansion by Jeffrey Simon, March 1995 HTML  
21 The Conflict in Abkhazia: A Georgian Perspective by Mr James Morrison, March 1995 HTML  
20 America's Military Priorities , by Hans Binnendijk February 1995 HTML  
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