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Levee reconstruction and information

  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established Task Force Hope immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts. 

  • Task Force Hope’s main mission is to manage the work on levees and floodwalls, debris removal and all emergency response efforts that Federal Emergency Management Agency requested the Corps to carry out. 

  • Task Force Hope oversees the efforts of Task Force Guardian and Recovery Field Offices in Louisiana and Mississippi. 

  • Task Force Guardian is repairing damages to the Greater New Orleans federal hurricane and flood protection system resulting from Hurricane Katrina, restoring the system to pre-storm levels of protection by June 1, 2006.

Prime Contractors
Following is a list of prime contractors for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers response and recovery efforts following Hurricane Katrina.  Each prime contractor has designated points of contact to explore subcontracting opportunities, including small business, service-disabled veterans, small HUB-Zone concerns, small disadvantaged business, and small women-owned business.  If you are interested in working in any of these areas, please contact the prime contractor directly.

Links to contracting opportunities: