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Premises Registration

Premises Registration Update

The table below is a snapshot of the progress being made with regard to Premises Registration in each State. The figures provided are estimates and may not accurately reflect actual registration numbers.

Additional Premises Registration statistics can be found in the January 5, 2009 Premises Registration Report (PDF; 28KB).

State Premises Registration Statistics as of 1/5/09

State name
The National Agricultural Statistics Survey (NASS) estimates that there are 1.4 million livestock farms in the United States.  The number listed for each State is an estimate and may not reflect the actual number of premises in that State.
Number of Premises Registered
The percent of premises registered is based on the National Agriculture Statistics Survey (NASS) estimated number of premises in each State.  The estimated number of premises may be lower than the actual number of premises for some States, resulting in a percentage greater than 100%.

Premises Registered

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December 22, 2008
Premises Registration
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Getting Started: The Application Process
Premises Registration Update
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   NAIS User Guide
(PDF; 659KB)
   Premises Registration Factsheet (PDF; 52KB)  
   Premises Registration Report (PDF; 28KB)  
460,887 Premises Registered as of 4/27/08
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