American Battlefields

Battlefield Grants

Brandywine Battlefield
Once a year as part of its grants program, the ABPP invites proposals for battlefield preservation projects. Since 1990, the ABPP and its partners have helped protect and enhance more than 100 battlefields by co-sponsoring 360 projects in 41 states and territories. Individual project funding has ranged from $5,000 to more than $75,000; the average grant is about $30,000. The ABPP encourages, but does not require, matching funds or in-kind services to these projects.

Grant Awards

The ABPP is currently accepting applications for its 2009 Battlefield Project Grants. For more information visit the FY2009 Battlefield Project Grants web page.

The average ABPP grant follows the timeline below:
  • January – close of application acceptance
  • February to April - technical review team ranks applications
  • April to May – project activities are evaluated and may be adjusted with top applicants
  • June to July – grant awards are announced
  • August – grant budget and agreement signed and work may proceed
  • October – announce the new FY grant availability
Current winners
2008 grant winners

Previous winners:
2007 grant winners
2006 grant winners
2005 grant winners
2004 grant winners
2003 grant winners
2002 grant winners

Grant Projects
The ABPP supports projects that lead to the protection of battlefield land and sites associated with battlefields. Some types of projects that support this goal may include:

  • Battlefield boundary delineation and GIS/GPS mapping
  • Historical research and surveys (archeological, cultural resource inventory, landscape, etc.)
  • National Register of Historic Places documentation and nominations
  • Management, landscape, preservation, interpretive and stabilization plans
  • Battlefield strategic and/or acquisition plans
  • Local land use strategies for sensitive planning
  • Technical assistance for organizations and governments needing help to protect battlefields
  • Public education
Examples of the Battlefield Project Grant Guidelines and Application Form

The ABPP Battlefield Grants do not fund land acquisition or capital improvement projects. For more information on acquisition grants visit the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants web page. Projects associated with lands already owned by the National Park Service are not eligible for ABPP grants.

Please contact the ABPP Grants Manager if you have questions about the ABPP's funding program.


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