GIBO2: Ft Gibson Lake, OK

Data processed at Thu Jan 08 22:54:51 2009 Central Standard Time

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    SHEF ID:       GIBO2     Ft Gibson Lake, OK
    Flood Control Pool:  Bottom =  554.00, Top =  582.00
                   INCHES    INCHES      FEET      ACFT      FEET       CFS       CFS     DEG-F   DEGREES       MPH   PERCENT      W/M2     VOLTS     VOLTS
                     GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES  COMPRESQ    POWERQ      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES
    01/08 01:00      0.00      0.00    556.86    422474    493.60      ----      ----     50.88    353.20      0.49     35.04      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 02:00      0.00      0.00    556.87    422683    493.55      ----      ----     48.58    339.90      0.89     48.23      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 03:00      0.00      0.00    556.89    423101    493.60      ----      ----     47.79    349.90      1.23     43.52      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 04:00      0.00      0.00    556.88    422892    493.60      ----      ----     44.83    346.50      0.32     50.18      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 05:00      0.00      0.00    556.88    422892    493.60      ----      ----     42.64    329.30      0.28     51.65      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 06:00      0.00      0.00    556.88    422892    493.63      ----      ----     40.53    353.90      0.53     54.21      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 07:00      0.00      0.00    556.87    422683    493.60      ----      ----     37.90     27.10      0.23     59.16      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 08:00      0.00      0.00    556.90    423311    493.60      ----      ----     37.26     16.20      0.13     59.52      5.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 09:00      0.00      0.00    556.91    423518    493.57      ----      ----     40.87     90.00      0.18     53.60     65.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 10:00      0.00      0.00    556.90    423311    493.63      ----      ----     45.05    335.80      0.59     44.69    296.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 11:00      0.00      0.00    556.92    423728    493.57      ----      ----     47.89    347.90      1.53     40.10    433.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 12:00      0.00      0.00    556.87    422683    493.63      ----      ----     50.22    326.40      0.30     39.44    523.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 13:00      0.00      0.00    556.78    420803    493.63      ----      ----     50.77    326.50      0.34     49.21    322.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 14:00      0.00      0.00    556.77    420593    493.48      ----      ----     54.18    332.80      0.95     40.23    203.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 15:00      0.00      0.00    556.78    420803    492.93      ----      ----     56.70    295.60      0.49     34.86    277.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 16:00      0.00      0.00    556.74    419966    492.82      ----      ----     54.07    343.10      0.38     42.00    291.00     13.64     13.36
    01/08 17:00      0.00      0.00    556.69    418921    493.27      ----      ----     58.23    336.00      0.26     32.72    127.00     13.64     13.24
    01/08 18:00      0.00      0.00    556.65    418086    493.51      ----      ----     52.97     23.50      0.05     40.05      8.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 19:00      0.00      0.00    556.61    417249    493.57      ----      ----     51.42     31.80      0.03     44.99      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 20:00      0.00      0.00    556.60    417040    493.54      ----      ----     52.84    131.40      0.35     38.27      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 21:00      0.00      0.00    556.56    416204    493.59      ----      ----     49.44      8.30      0.08     44.75      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 22:00      0.00      0.00    556.50    414950    493.59      ----      ----     51.21    161.00      0.35     43.83      0.00     13.64     13.48
    01/08 23:00      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
    01/09 00:00      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----