Argonne National Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer U.S. Department of Energy
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Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

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CRADAs are cooperative research and development agreements between Argonne and industrial partners that contribute to the goals of each party. A CRADA may be cost shared between the industrial partners and Argonne or may be 100% funded by the industrial partners. While it is generally the case that companies are able to retain rights to their own inventions made under a CRADA, there are exceptions. Similarly, the rights to intellectual property created by the Laboratory under a CRADA are retained by Argonne. However, the industrial partner does have a right to an option to license Argonne's inventions. It is best to defer to OTT or the Legal Department in all discussions of intellectual property rights.

  • U.S. Department of Energy - Cooperative Research and Development Agreements - DOE Order 483.1
  • U.S. Department of Energy - DOE CRADA Agreements Manual - DOE M 483.1-1
  • Argonne Model CRADA


  Argonne National Laboratory Joint Industry Partner
1   Researchers discuss ideas
Identify area of mutual interest
Draft a research plan
Generate CRADA Proposal package

Review CRADA Proposal Package
Develop and complete Joint Work Statement (JWS).
Forward draft CRADA to prospective partner.


Identify In-house Project Support

3   Draft Statement of Work (SOW) with milestones.  
4 Submit JWS to DOE Operations Office   Review Draft CRADA
5   Negotiate CRADA Terms  
6 Prepare Final CRADA Review final SOW  
7 Obtain necessary DOE approvals   Approve CRADA
8   Execute CRADA  

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