The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789

Title Index

FromThe Above is a plan of the town of Cabot, State of Vermont to Carte generale des Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale
FromCarte generale des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour l'intelligence de la guerre presente to A map of New England, and Nova Scotia;
FromA map of North America to A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina;
FromA new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina; to Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana;
FromA plan of New York Island to [Plat of a survey of 2,314 acres of land, being the first large bottom on the east side of the Ohio River
FromA Portion of New York from the Hudson River west to the Unadilla Branch of the Susquehanna River; to The United States of North America, with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty of 1784
From[Bunker Hill--rough sketch to [Zehn Karten und Ansichten den Schlachtfelden des amerikanischen Unabhangigkeitskreiges in den Staaten Pennsylvanien und New York