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Virtual Diplomacy

Virtual Diploacy

The Virtual Diplomacy Initiative explored the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the conduct of foreign affairs and particularly their effect on international conflict management and resolution.

The Initiative supported research through grants, reports, and events.

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Arab Media: Tools of the Governments; Tools for the People?
August 2005 | Virtual Diplomacy Report
In the aftermath of 9/11, a shocked U.S. government and public asked, "Why do they hate us?" Believing that the Arab media played a critical role in shaping the information environment that was fomenting the “culture of death” that ennobled suicide bombers and the cult of terrorism, USIP launched a systematic investigation into how the Arab media was informing and shaping the hearts and minds of Arab publics.


The Highlands Forum XXVI - Transition from Crisis
May 1-3, 2005
A cross-disciplinary group discussed how to ameliorate the lingering conditions of conflict as military and civilians begin postconflict reconstruction and transformation efforts. Historian James McPherson set the scene for the two-day conversation with a tour of Gettysburg and an analysis of the failures of Southern reconstruction.


The Highlands Forum Enrichment Session
April 9, 2005
The Virtual Diplomacy Initiative hosted the Highlands Forum Enrichment Session on April 9 at the Beacon Hotel in Washington, DC. The subject for the session was “ICT4 (Information and Communication Technologies for) Peace, Development, and Response in Austere Environments.” There, the Virtual Diplomacy Initiative presented the ongoing work to establish the International Network of Practitioners of Rule of Law (INPROL) network and portal. The Office of Conflict Stability and Reconstruction, among other government and nongovernmental organizations, reported on their progress in employing communications systems to improve their reconstruction and development efforts.


Virtual Diplomacy


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