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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Education and Training Center

Summer Institute on International Peace, Security, and Conflict Management for Secondary School Social Studies Teachers
August 3-9,2008

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2005 Summer Institute

For nearly 20 years, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has sponsored the Summer Institute for Secondary School Social Studies Teachers. Organized by the Education and Training Center for Domestic Programs, the week-long event is designed to assist teachers in attaining a greater understanding of peace and conflict issues, as well as enhancing their teaching skills and strategies.

Held in Washington, D.C., the program draws upon practitioners, scholars, and educators to work with teachers to examine sources of global conflict, and the various approaches to peacemaking and peace building. The current global environment presents unique challenges and opportunities for teachers striving to ready young people to take their places in an increasingly complex world. The program's activities throughout the week emphasize case studies, experiential learning, and shared curriculum exercises and resource analysis. The Summer Institute is designed to enhance substantive expertise and teaching skills in secondary school settings where global understanding is critical.

2007 Summer Institute Participant

Participants to the Summer Institute will include teachers from private, public, and charter schools and other settings throughout the United States and abroad. A diverse group of presenters will include specialists from USIP; policymakers, representatives of nongovernmental organizations; university and college faculty; experts from foreign affairs research centers; and other professionals from the public and private sectors. Summer Institute participants will have the opportunity to discuss international affairs issues with these specialists who will provide a wide range of perspectives through large-group presentations, small-group discussions, interactive teaching and learning strategies, and collaborative activities.

The Summer Institute will examine:

  • Issues relating directly to questions of war and peace;
  • Sources of international and intrastate conflict;
  • Approaches to peacemaking efforts through conflict prevention, mediation, and reconciliation tools utilized by governments, the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, and other private groups.

Summer Institute participants will enhance their skills by:

  • Demonstrating and practicing methods for teaching concepts and higher order thinking;
  • Sharing teaching strategies and developing classroom lesson plans;
  • Examining curriculum resources, exercises, simulations, and video and online materials; and
  • Drawing upon the insights and experiences of leading foreign policy officials and international affairs scholars.
Selection Process

Approximately twenty-five participants will be selected to attend the seminar.

All high school social studies teachers are encouraged to apply to the program. USIP also accepts applications from teachers of grades 7–8, as well as former teachers currently serving as trainers or regional coordinators. Institute staff will select participants based on the following criteria:

  • Current teaching position or professional assignment;
  • Teaching experience and academic background; and,
  • The opportunity to integrate the experience of the Summer Institute into their current teaching position or professional assignment.
Housing and Travel

USIP will provide housing for the participants in a hotel close to USIP's offices in downtown Washington, D.C., the site of the Summer Institute. USIP will contribute to the travel costs for participants.

"Because of this conference, I feel much more informed about he conflicts going on in the world today, and I am better able to teach about these conflicts to my students at Oxford Hills High School...The U.S. Institute of Peace is a valuable resource to America's teachers."
--Craig Blanchard, Oxford Hills High School, South Paris, Maine (in a letter to United States Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins)


For High School Students


For High School Teachers


For College and University Faculty


For Practitioners


Resources and Tools



United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)