Administration for Children and Families

Runaway and Homeless Youth

The Runaway and Homeless Youth program provides comprehensive services for youth in at-risk situations and their families. These services include providing positive alternatives for youth, ensuring their safety and maximizing their potential to take advantage of available opportunities to remain in safe and stable families. The program also provides outreach, education and support services to runaway and homeless youth and reunification services when appropriate.

Runaway and homeless youth funds are used in three major capacities:

  • The Basic Center program funds youth shelters that provide emergency shelter, food, clothing, outreach services and crisis intervention for runaway and homeless youth. The shelters also offer services to help reunite youth with their families whenever possible.
  • The Street Outreach program funds local youth service providers to conduct street-based education and outreach and to offer emergency shelter and related services to young people who have been or who are at risk of being sexually abused or exploited.
  • The Transitional Living program provides funds to address the longer term needs of older homeless youth and assists such youth in developing skills and resources to promote independence and prevent future dependency on social services. Housing and a range of services are provided for up to 18 months for youth ages 16-21 who are unable to return to their homes.

Eligible entities may include any public or private entity, including faith- and community-based organizations, colleges and universities, States and Federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations.

Contact Information:

Family and Youth Services Bureau
Administration on Children, Youth and Families
Portals Building
1250 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20024
Telephone: 202-205-8102
Fax: 202-260-9333


at-risk youth; homeless youth; runaway youth; family and youth services.


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