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NHLPA News: Second Option for Financial Statements

At the Northeast Lighthouse Conference in Newport, Rhode Island, questions were raised about the need for and ability of small non-profits to provide audited financial statements as required in the “Application to Obtain Historic Light Station Property.” NPS staff has researched the question and has now added “financial statements reviewed by a certified public accountant” as an acceptable alternative to fulfill this requirement in the Financial Plan.

NHLPA News: Policy Determined for Historic Light Stations Within National Parks & Wildlife Refuges

After review of the NHLPA legislation by the Department of the Interior's Office of the Solicitor, it has been determined that NHLPA does not preclude direct transfer of historic light stations located within the boundaries of national parks or wildlife refuges to the National Park Service or the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service respectively. The Department of the Interior has established a policy allowing for the possibility of historic light stations surplussed under NHLPA to be transferred directly to the NPS and the USFWS as the discretion of the appropriate representatives of each agency. Should ownership of the historic light station not be required by the NPS and/or USFWS, then the historic light station will be disposed of following normal NHLPA procedures.

NHLPA News: Requirement for Replacement Value Insurance Eliminated

After consultation among the National Park Service, the United States Coast Guard, and General Services Administration, it has been determined that should a historic light station transferred under NHLPA be completely demolished, the U.S. government's interest in the historic structure(s) would no longer exist. Therefore, the requirement to obtain insurance for replacement value of the structure(s) has been eliminated from the “Application to Obtain Historic Light Station Property.” However, both liability insurance for visitors, volunteers and staff as well as property damage insurance are clearly elements of a sound management plan for any historic site and evidence of this insurance shall be provided in the Application. The amounts shall be determined by the Applicant in consultation with their insurance agent.

NHLPA 2007 Program Notices of Availability Announced

General Services Administration has recently issued NOAs for several lighthouses. Read the notices and fact sheets online.

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Last Modified: Mon, Sept 18, 2006 9:23:24 am EDT

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