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Be a Positive Role Model

Woman conversating with group of kidsChildren like to imitate adults. How many times have children imitated the way we speak, tried on our clothes or makeup, had a make-believe tea party or cocktail party, or pretended to “go to work”?

Every child wants to be a grownup. Being “grown up” means freedom. Being grown up means making your own decisions. Being grown up means being able to eat and drink anything you want, wherever you want.

Young people like to “try on” our behaviors along with our adult clothes. Lots of things fit into the grownup category: driving a car, working, drinking alcohol, getting married, smoking cigarettes, having babies, and so forth.

If we ask young people about the messages we send them about drinking alcohol, smoking, or using drugs, what might they say? We might be surprised to find out that we influence their attitudes toward alcohol, tobacco, or any substance when we involve them in our own substance use by asking them to get us a beer from the refrigerator or an ashtray from the cupboard.

A child can understand and accept the differences between what adults may do legally and what is appropriate and legal for children. We should continue to reinforce this understanding by not abusing legal substances like alcohol, or by using illegal drugs. Children are exposed to media messages and images that glamorize the use of substances. We must help them understand these messages are neither glamorous nor healthy.

A parent or caregiver using alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs may increase a child’s chances of using and becoming dependent on a substance.

Action Steps To Being a Positive Role Model

  1. Do not engage in illegal, unhealthy, or dangerous drug use. Avoid actions that say, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Children, even at very early ages, imitate and are influenced by adult behaviors.
  2. Don’t involve your child in your use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. Such involvement may include asking her to get a beer, light a cigarette, or “taste” your wine.
  3. When possible, point out examples of bad behavior linked to substance use or abuse and the consequences. Examples can be found in television shows, movies, music, lyrics, even video games. An important part of your job is to engage your child about these images and behaviors and what they mean.

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