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US Army Corps of Engineers
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COL Thomas H. Magness, IV

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Home arrow Southern CA Area arrow Corps Response to the California Wildfires
Corps Response to the California Wildfires Print

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The Corps of Engineers is responsible for coordinating public works and engineering support for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the National Response Plan.  The Corps is working alongside city, county, state and federal agencies as part of a team coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA.

We know how important it is to affected individuals, families and communities that we provide a fast, competent and complete response to this crisis.  We have members of our Los Angeles District whose homes and families are directly affected by this fire.

We are working to anticipate potential issues and needs before they arise.  Currently the Corps is addressing four emergency support missions under FEMA:  temporary power, temporary housing, planning (GIS), and debris removal and disposal.

Temporary Power
Total of 22 people deployed.
We are working with the Department of Energy and FEMA to monitor the power grid.  In the event of power loss, the Corps can provide temporary power to critical public facilities.  The team has coordinated the installation and operation of two generators for emergency power at the La Jolla Indian Reservation in North San Diego County.

Temporary Housing “Tiger Team”
Total of 2 people deployed.
The Corps has sent 2 Temporary Housing experts to the joint field office in Pasadena to work with the interagency team that consists of FEMA, Housing and Urban Development and the American Red Cross.  They are assessing potential housing and alternatives.

Planning (GIS)
Total of 3 people deployed.
The Corps has sent 3 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) subject matter experts to assist FEMA's planning cell in developing maps and visuals of resources dispatched to the affected areas.  This capability integrates data spatially referenced to the earth and will allow aid planners to see where resources are located.

Debris Removal and Disposal
Total of 3 people deployed.
The Corps has sent 3 subject matter experts to the joint field office in Pasadena to work with the interagency team that consists of FEMA, the Environmental Protection Agency and state and local agencies.  Together, they will assess and coordinate the removal and disposal of debris.

Most of the Corps team members on disaster relief missions have volunteered for that duty.  Many responders have been a part of previous emergency response efforts including Hurricane Katrina, the 2003 Southern California wildfires and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

The Corps, as part of the federal disaster response team coordinated by FEMA, is prepared to support a number of additional missions, including water and ice provisions, and other engineering and logistical missions as needed.

The Corps stands ready to provide federal engineering support to the Governor and state of California throughout this emergency.


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Federal employees, Retiree or Annuitants Impacted by the wildfires

Information provided by FEMA:


News Release 07-24
US Army Corps Of Engineers
October 24, 2007 Immediate

Daniel J. Calderón
Telephone: (213) 452-3922
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Corps Ready To Assist California Firefighting Efforts

LOS ANGELES -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is preparing personnel and assets to deploy in support of President Bush’s promise to “send the help of the federal government” to communities affected by the spate of wildfires across Southern California.

“Disaster responses are a team effort,” said Beau Hannah, Emergency Support Function #3 team leader. “The Corps, along with city, county state, and federal agencies will work together as part of a team coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We know how important it is to affected individuals, families and communities that we provide a fast, competent and complete response to this crisis.”

The Corps is responsible for coordinating and organizing public works and engineering support for FEMA under the National Response Plan.  USACE, in coordination with FEMA, is preparing for a number of relief missions, including ice and water delivery, installing and maintaining generators to provide temporary power at critical public facilities where needed, and other engineering or logistical missions that will be needed.

In the Los Angeles District, the Emergency Operations Center is now active and will be staffed continuously until the need passes. The Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) team has been dispatched to the vehicle’s station and is standing by for its mission. Other Corps teams are en route and will be in place ready to assist Californians.

“We have team members in the community and we’re prepared to do more,” said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, Los Angeles District Commander.  “When you see the Corps’ castle insignia on a truck or on a helmet, you are seeing the federal response. Most of the Corps team members you see on disaster relief missions have volunteered for that duty.”

The Corps, as part of the federal disaster response team coordinated by FEMA, has a number of missions, including temporary housing, water and ice delivery, infrastructure assessment support, debris management and removal and other engineering and logistical missions that are needed.

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