Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> Heading Fields >> X10

X10 - Corporate Names-General Information

MARC 21 Bibliographic
October 2008

"Full" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data that contains detailed descriptions of every data element, along with examples, input conventions and history sections.
"Concise" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Bibliographic Data that contains abridged descriptions of every data element, along with examples.
110 - Main Entry - Corporate Name (NR) Full | Concise
610 - Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise
710 - Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise
810 - Series Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise

First Indicator
Type of corporate name entry element
0 - Inverted name
1 - Jurisdiction name
2 - Name in direct order

Second Indicator
110 - Undefined
# - Undefined

610 - Thesaurus
0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 - LC subject headings for children's literature
2 - Medical Subject Headings
3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 - Source not specified
5 - Canadian Subject Headings
6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

710 - Type of added entry
# - No information provided
2 - Analytical entry

810 - Undefined
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
Name portion
$a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
$b - Subordinate unit (R)
$c - Location of meeting (NR)
$e - Relator term (R)
$u - Affiliation (NR)
$4 - Relator code (R)

Name and title portions
$d - Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
$g - Miscellaneous information (NR)
$n - Number of part/section/meeting (R)

Title portion
$f - Date of a work (NR)
$h - Medium (NR) [610/710/810]
$k - Form subheading (R)
$l - Language of a work (NR)
$m - Medium of performance for music (R) [610/710/810]
$o - Arranged statement for music (NR) [610/710/810]
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
$r - Key for music (NR) [610/710/810]
$s - Version (NR) [610/710/810]
$t - Title of a work (NR)
$v - Volume/sequential designation (NR) [810]
$x - International Standard Serial Number (NR) [710/810]
Subject subdivision portion
$v - Form subdivision (R) [610]
$x - General subdivision (R) [610]
$y - Chronological subdivision (R) [610]
$z - Geographic subdivision (R) [610]

Control subfields
$w - Bibliographic record control number (R) [810]
$0 - Authority record control number (R)

$2 - Source of heading or term (NR) [610]
$3 - Materials specified (NR) [610/710/810]
$5 - Institution to which field applies (NR) [710]
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Defined content designators identify the subelements occurring in corporate name fields constructed according to the generally accepted cataloging and thesaurus-building rules (e.g, Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR 2), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)). A corporate name, a form subheading, a title of a work, and/or a city section name entered under the name of a jurisdiction are X10 corporate names. A name of a jurisdiction that represents an ecclesiastical entity is an X10 corporate name. For subject purposes, other names of jurisdictions used alone or followed by subject subdivisions are geographic names and are contained in field 651 (Subject Added Entry-Geographic Name). For non-subject purposes, other names used alone are contained in 110 and 710 fields. A named meeting that is entered under a corporate name is contained in the X10 fields. A meeting entered directly under its own name is contained in the X11 fields. Corporate names used in phrase subject headings (e.g., Catholic Church in art) are contained in field 650 (Subject Added Entry-Topical Term).

Guidelines for applying all content designators except the second indicator position are given in this section. A field-specific list of content designators and guidelines for applying the second indicator position are provided under the description for each specific X10 field.


First Indicator - Type of corporate name entry element
Value that identifies the form of the entry element of the field. The values distinguish among an inverted name, a jurisdiction name, and a corporate name in direct order used as the entry element.
0 - Inverted name
Corporate name begins with a personal name in inverted order (surname, forename).
110 0#$aNewman (Jean and Dorothy) Industrial Relations Library.
Corporate names beginning with a personal surname alone, a personal name in direct order (not inverted), or containing a personal name other than as the entry element are identified by value 2.
110 2#$aJ.C. Penney Co.
1 - Jurisdiction name
Name of a jurisdiction that is also an ecclesiastical entity or is a jurisdiction name under which a corporate name, a city section, or a title of a work is entered.
110 1#$aCyprus (Archdiocese)
110 1#$aPennsylvania.$bState Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators.
110 1#$aJalisco (Mexico).$tLey que aprueba el plan regional urbano de Guadalajara, 1979-1983.
110 1#$aFairfax County (Va.).$bDivision of Mapping.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bPresident (1981-1989 : Reagan)
Corporate names containing a name of a jurisdiction as an integral part of the name or qualified by a jurisdiction name are identified by value 2.
110 2#$aUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.$bExperimental Music Studios.
110 2#$aArizona Family Planning Council.
2 - Name in direct order
Heading may contain a parenthetical qualifier or may be an acronym or initialism.
110 2#$aHarvard University.
110 2#$aNational Gardening Association (U.S.)
110 2#$aPRONAPADE (Firm)
Second Indicator
Second indicator position is unique to the function of the corporate name field. It is described under the following fields: 110 (Main Entry Corporate Name); 610 (Subject Added Entry Corporate Name); 710 (Added Entry Corporate Name); and 810 (Series Added Entry Corporate Name).


$a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
Name of a corporate body or the first entity when subordinate units are present; a jurisdiction name under which a corporate body, city section, or a title of a work is entered; or a jurisdiction name that is also an ecclesiastical entity. A parenthetical qualifying term, jurisdiction name, or date (other than the date of a meeting) is not separately subfield coded.
110 2#$aUniversity of Denver.
110 1#$aCanada.$bDept of Agriculture.
110 2#$aBell & Howell Co.
110 1#$aBirmingham (Ala.)
110 2#$aFriedrich Witte (Firm)
110 2#$aScientific Society of San Antonio (1892-1894)
610 20$aTitanic (Steamship)
110 2#$aSt. James Church (Bronx, New York, N.Y.)
610 20$aHusum-Schwesing (Germany : Concentration camp)
$b - Subordinate unit
Name of a subordinate corporate unit, a name of a city section, or a name of a meeting entered under a corporate or a jurisdiction name.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress.$bJoint Committee on the Library.
110 2#$aAmerican Veterinary Medical Association.$bMeeting.
110 2#$aFreemasons.$bConcordia Lodge, No. 13 (Baltimore, Md.)
110 1#$aParis.$bMontmartre.
$c - Location of meeting
Place name or a name of an institution where a meeting was held. Multiple adjacent locations are contained in a single subfield $c.
110 2#$aCatholic Church.$bConcilium Plenarium Americae Latinae$d(1899 :$cRome, Italy)
110 2#$aDemocratic Party (Tex.).$bState Convention$d(1857 :$cWaco, Tex.)
110 1#$aBotswana.$bDelegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 28th, 1982, Nassau, Bahamas.
110 2#$aAmerican Library Association.$bConference$c(Washington, D.C. and London, England)
Place name added parenthetically to a corporate name as a qualifier is not separately subfield coded.
610 20$aEmpire State Building (New York, N.Y.)
$d - Date of meeting or treaty signing
110 2#$aCatholic Church.$bPlenary Council of Baltimore$n(2nd :$d1866)
110 2#$aInternational Labour Organisation.$bEuropean Regional Conference$n(2nd :$d1968 :$cGeneva, Switzerland)
In a name/title X10 field, subfield $d also contains the date a treaty was signed.
710 1#$aAlgeria.$tTreaties, etc.$gEngland and Wales,$d1682 Apr. 20.
$e - Relator term
Designation of function that describes the relationship between a name and a work.
110 2#$aEastman Kodak Company,$edefendant-appellant.
Relator codes, which specify the relationship of of corporate body to a work, are contained in subfield $4.
$f - Date of a work
A date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title field.
710 22$aCatholic Church.$tMass, 33rd Sunday of ordinary time (Chant).$f1979.
710 22$aRand McNally and Company.$tCentral America.$f1979.
Date added parenthetically to a title to distinguish between identical titles entered under the same name is not separately subfield coded. Exception: for music see subfield $n.
610 10$aFrance.$tConstitution (1946)
$g - Miscellaneous information
Data element that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield. In a heading for a meeting entered under a corporate body, subfield $g also contains a subelement that is not more appropriately contained in subfields $c, $d, or $n.
110 1#$aMinnesota.$bConstitutional Convention$d(1857 :$gRepublican)
In a name/title X10 field, subfield $g contains the name of the other party to treaties, intergovernmental agreements, etc.
610 10$aGreat Britain.$tTreaties, etc.$gIreland,$d1985 Nov. 15.
$h - Medium [610/710/810]
Media qualifier used with a title of a work in a name/title field.
710 2#$aPearls Before Swine (Musical group).$tOne nation underground.$hSound recording.
$k - Form subheading
Form subheading that occurs in the title portion of an X10 field. Form subheadings used with corporate names include: Manuscript; Protocols, etc.; Selections; Charters and regulations.
610 20$aBritish Library.$kManuscript.$nArundel 384.
610 10$aUruguay.$tTreaties, etc.$gArgentina,$d1974 Aug. 20.$kProtocols, etc.$d1982 Dec. 20.
710 22$aCatholic Church.$bPope (1958-1963 : John XXIII).$tMater et magistra.$lFrench.$kSelections.$f1963.
610 20$aDaughters of the American Revolution.$bMary Tyler Chapter (Tyler, Tex.).$kCharters and regulations.
$l - Language of a work
Name of a language(s) (or a term representing the language, e.g., Polyglot) of a work in a name/title field.
710 2#$aBanco Central de Venezuela.$tProcedimiento para la obtención de divisas del mercado contolado para el pago de importaciones a través de cartas de crédito.$lEnglish & Spanish.
$m - Medium of performance for music [610/710/810]
Term(s) designating the medium of performance used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title field. Subfield $m is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$n - Number of part/section/meeting
Number of a meeting that is entered under a corporate name.
In music uniform titles, the serial, opus, or thematic index number, or a date used to distinguish one work from another, is contained in subfield $n.
Multiple alternative numberings (often separated by a comma) are contained in a single subfield $n. Multiple numberings that are hierarchical (often separated by a period) are contained in separate occurrences of subfield $n.
Contains a number designation following the form subdivison Manuscript.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress$n(97th, 2nd session :$d1982).$bHouse.
710 2#$aCorpus Christi College (University of Cambridge).$bLibrary.$kManuscript.$n57.
710 12$aPhilippines.$tLabor Code of the Philippines.$nBook 5,$pLabor Relations.$f1981.
710 2#$aMontevergine (Abbey).$bBiblioteca.$kManuscript.$nScaffale XXIII, 171.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress$n(87th, 2nd session :$d1962)
$o - Arranged statement for music [610/710/810]
Abbreviation arr. used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title field. Subfield $o is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$p - Name of part/section of a work
Name designation of a part/section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.
710 1#$aUnited States.$tConstitution.$p13th Amendment.
610 20$aUnited States Strategic Bombing Survey.$tReports.$pPacific war$vIndexes.
710 1#$aEcuador.$tPlan Nacional de Desarrollo, 1980-1984.$nParte 1,$pGrandes objetivos nacionales.$lEnglish.
Also contains a name designation following the form subdivision Manuscript.
110 2#$aNew York Public Library.$kManuscript$pAulendorf Codex.
$r - Key for music [610/710/810]
Statement of key in which the music is written used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title field. Subfield $r is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$s - Version [610/710/810]
Version, edition, etc., information used with a title of a work in a name/title field.
$t - Title of a work
Uniform title, a title page title of a work, or a series title used in a name/title field.
710 12$aVenezuela.$tControl de cambio no. 3.$lEnglish & Spanish.$f1984.
610 10$aUnited States.$tTreaties, etc.$gGreat Britain,$d1794 Nov. 19.
710 22$aGeneral Drafting Company, inc.$tColonization of America.$f1976.
Additional examples are under the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $h, $k, $l, $n, $p, and $v.
$u - Affiliation
Affiliation or address of the name.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bNational Technical Information Service.$u5205 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
$v - Volume/sequential designation [810]
Volume number or other sequential designation used in conjunction with a series added entry in field 810.
810 2#$aJohn Bartholomew and Son.$tBartholomew world travel series ;$v10.
810 2#$aUniversitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau.$tKataloge der Universitäts-bibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau ;$vBd. 2.
$v - Form subdivision [610]
Form subdivision that designates a specific kind or genre of material as defined by the thesaurus being used. Subfield $v is appropriate only when a form subject subdivision is added to a corporate name or name/title to form an extended subject heading. Subfield $v is used for form terms when they function as indicated above. Subfield $x may be used if the terms function as general subdivisions. A form subdivision in subfield $v is generally the last subfield in the field. The subfield may be repeated if more than one form subdivision is used.
610 10$aFrance.$bBibiothèque nationale$vCatalogs.
610 20$aUnited Nations$xEconomic assistance$vPeriodicals.
$w - Bibliographic record control number [810]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$x - International Standard Serial Number [710/810]
ISSN for a serial contained in the title portion of a name/title field. The ISSN is an agency-assigned data element. ISSNs are assigned to serial publications by national centers under the auspices of the ISSN Network.
$x - General subdivision [610]
Subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $v (Form subdivision), subfield $y (Chronological subdivision), or subfield $z (Geographic subdivision). Subfield $x is appropriate only when a general topical subdivision is added to a name or a name/title.
610 20$aLutheran Church$xDoctrines$yEarly works to 1800.
610 20$aAmerican Red Cross$xHistory.
$y - Chronological subdivision [610]
Subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Subfield $y is appropriate only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title.
610 10$aUnited States.$bArmy.$bCavalry$xHistory$yCivil War, 1861-1865$vMaps.
610 10$aGreat Britain.$bRoyal Navy$xHistory$y20th century$vMaps.
$z - Geographic subdivision [610]
Appropriate only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title.
610 20$aCatholic Church$zGermany$xHistory$y1933-1945.
610 20$aUnited Methodist Church (U.S.)$zPennsylvania$xHistory$vMaps.
$0 - Authority record control number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$2 - Source of heading or term [610]
MARC code that identifies the source list from which the heading in a 610 subject added entry field was assigned. It is used only when the second indicator position contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2). Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions.
$3 - Materials specified [610/710/810]
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.
$4 - Relator code
MARC code that specifies the relationship between a name and a work. More than one relator code may be used if the corporate name has more than one function. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions. The code is given after the name portion in name/title fields.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bEnergy Research and Development Administration.$4fnd
110 2#$aJ.H. Bufford & Co.$4pop
Relator terms, which also specify the relationship of a corporate body to a work, are contained in subfield $e.
$5 - Institution to which field applies [710]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Ambiguous Headings - See Appendix E: Ambiguous Headings.
Punctuation - Punctuation of the subelements of a heading is generally dictated by descriptive cataloging or subject heading system/thesaurus rules. These input conventions clarify MARC punctuation practices. Fields 110, 610, 710, and 810 end with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. If the final subfields are subfield $0, $2, $3, $4, or $5, the mark of punctuation or closing parenthesis precedes those subfields.
110 2#$aOklahoma Council on Juvenile Delinquency.
110 2#$aMartin Marietta Corporation.$bSpace Systems Division.
110 2#$aWestern Map and Publishing Co.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress$n(87th :$d1961-1962)
Name portion of a name/subordinate body or name/title heading ends with a mark of punctuation. The mark of punctuation is placed inside a closing quotation mark.
710 1#$aBoston (Mass.).$tLaws, etc.
710 2#$aCasa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión."$bNúcleo de Imbabura.
710 22$aCatholic Church.$bPope (1978- : John Paul II).$tAperite portas Redemptori.$f1983.
Name or title portion followed by a subject subdivision does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the name or title portion ends with an abbreviation, initial/letter, or open date.
610 20$aUnited Methodist Church (U.S.)$zPennsylvania$xHistory.
Spacing - No spaces are used in initialisms or personal name initials/letters.
110 2#$aBrotherhood of Railway Trainmen (U.S.).$bMinnesota State Legislative Board.
110 2#$aMetallurgical Society of AIME.$bNew Jersey Chapter.
110 2#$aConföderation Iranischer Studenten (N.U.)
610 20$aD.B. Lister & Associates.
One space is used between preceding and succeeding initials if an abbreviation consists of more than a single letter.
110 2#$aMonongalia Historical Society, Morgantown, W. Va.
Initial Articles - Initial articles (e.g., Der) occurring at the beginning of name heading fields are usually omitted in most languages (except when the intent is to file on the article).
110 2#$aLos Angeles County Bar Association.
Initial articles occurring at the beginning of the title and/or part portion of a name/title added entry (i.e., 610, 710, 810) are also omitted.

Any diacritics and/or special characters occurring at the beginning of fields are retained. Note that such characters are usually ignored for purposes of sorting or filing.
710 2#$aÖsterreichischer Rundfunk.$bChor.


Indicator 2 - Main entry/subject relationship [110] (BK, MU, SE) [OBSOLETE, 1990]
Values were: 0 (Main entry/subject relationship irrelevant), 1 (Main entry is subject).
Indicator 2 - Type of added entry [710]

0 - Alternative entry (BK, AM, CF, MP, MU, SE) [OBSOLETE, 1993]
1 - Secondary entry (BK, AM, CF, MP, MU, SE) [OBSOLETE, 1993]
1 - Printed on card (VM) [OBSOLETE, 1993]
3 - Not printed on card (VM) [OBSOLETE, 1993]

$c - Location of meeting [NEW, 1980]
$d - Date of meeting or treaty signing [NEW, 1980]
Location and date of a meeting and the date of signing of a treaty entered under a corporate body/jurisdiction were not separately subfield coded but included in subfield $p prior to the definition of subfields $c and $d.
$k - Form subheading
Prior to 1981, the title “Treaties, etc.” was considered a form subheading and coded subfield $k.
$n - Number of part/section/meeting [NEW, 1979]
$p - Part [REDEFINED, 1979]
In 1979, subfield $n was defined for numbers of parts/sections and subfield $p (Part) was redefined to include only names of parts/sections. Prior to that change, both the number and the name of a part were contained in one subfield $p.
$w - Bibliographic record control number [NEW, 2007]
$x - International Standard Serials Number [810] [NEW, 2008]
$0 - Authority record control number [NEW, 2007]
$3 - Materials specified [810] [NEW, 2008]

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