CRM Cultural Resource Management Title Image

Volume 22
No. 01

Jamestown Island Revisited 1607-

22 - 01 Jamestown Island Revisited 1607- Cover Image

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Five Years of Jamestown
Karen G. Rehm

The Jamestown Archeological Assessment
Marley R. Brown II; David Orr

Finding the Town in Jamestown Archeology of the 17th-Century Capital Archeology of the 17th-Century Capital -
Archeology of the 17th-Century Capital
Audrey J. Horning

Jamestown Island’s Documentary History -
Clues to the Past
Martha W. McCartney

Looking Beyond the Town -
Archeological Survey at Jamestown Island
Dennis B. Blanton

Continuing Jamestown’s Military Tradition -
The Civil War Years
David F. Riggs

Lessons from the Past
Douglas W. Owsley

Jamestown Rediscovery -
Archeological Cultural Resources Management for the New Millennium
William M. Kelso

Cultural Resource Management and Interpretation -
A Cooperative Venture
Karen G. Rehm;Diane G. Stallings

Supplement: Historical Research in the National Park Service

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