| | State and Local Government Planning & Response Activities Topics on this Page: Overview A pandemic occurs in many localities - perhaps even worldwide - almost simultaneously. Because of this, much of the planning for a pandemic must be the responsibility of state and local governments. Community strategies that delay or reduce the impact of a pandemic (also called non-pharmaceutical interventions) may help reduce the spread of disease until a vaccine is available. Planning Guidelines Federal Guidance to Assist States (PDF - 1.54 MB)Guidance is designed to assist States in improving State-level pandemic influenza operating plans. This document provides a strategic framework to help the 50 States, the District of Columbia (DC), and the five U.S. Territories improve and maintain their operating plans for responding to and sustaining functionality during an influenza pandemic. Guidance Resources (PDF - 201.44 KB)State Panflu Operations Plan Excel Submission (XLS - 244.5 KB)Webcast Series on Pandemic Influenza Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation (PDF - 10.3 MB)CDC guidelines on actions, designed primarily to reduce contact between people, that community government and health officials can take to try to limit the spread of infection should a pandemic flu develop. The 50 states, the District of Columbia, three local jurisdictions (New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles County), five U.S. Territories and three Freely Associated States of the Pacific are sharing $325 million in cooperative agreement emergency supplemental funds to fill gaps in their pandemic influenza preparedness plans and to test these plans. Funds were made avaliable in two phases. Phase one, $100M, was announced January 12, 2006. Phase two, $225M, was announced July 11, 2006. In 2007, a supplemental $75M was announced on August 30, 2007. State and Local Funding Distribution Chart >> Phase I Allocation Press Release >> Phase II Allocation Press Release >> 2007 Allocation Press Release >> To help coordinate planning, HHS and other federal agencies held pandemic planning summits with public health, emergency management, and response leaders in each state. HHS has also prepared a State & Local Planning Checklist, and will work with states to design exercises to evaluate preparedness. State-by-State Pandemic Information Each state page contains information about the state pandemic plan, summit materials, formal agreements, and other pandemic information pertaining to the state.
State Pandemic Plans Checklists Planning Guidance Antivirals - State Allocations Chart showing the individual state allocations of antivirals from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stockpile. State Contacts Training Emergency Management Assistance Compact Quick Tips
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(Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) This document serves as a brief orientation to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) for states. This document should be used by any entity of State government that wishes to request assistance from another state during a Governor-declared state of emergency. Pandemic Planning: A Convening of the States At the direction of President Bush, Secretary Mike Leavitt, HHS, convened senior state and local officials from across the country on December 5, 2005 to establish an integrated federal-state influenza-pandemic planning process. The White House Homeland Security Council, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture also participated in the meeting. The Great Pandemic of 1918: State by State Read stories and anecdotes of the impact of the Great Pandemic in individual states. This historical information was gathered for presentation at Pandemic Planning Summits held in each state. Related Links