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RECNet Questions & Answers

    The following information was provided by NRM team members in response to an informal call to share their experience on a variety of topics. This information generally reflects a local or regional policy perspective and experience. It has not been reviewed or approved by headquarters, and does not reflect national policy. It is designed to provide a communication thread across the agency. Vendors or products described do not constitute an endorsement of the product, but simply reflect field experience. Contact your District POC for clarification of related local policies prior to implementation. Seek local assistance to ensure competitiveness in contracting and program execution.

    16 September 2008
    Q: Has any project NRRS POC received guidelines on what to do with the Hughes net receivers during the off months. I was under the impression that if they were not connected or periodically connected they would go into sleep mode. Could be an issue for next years start up.

    A: 09/30/08 - Guidance went out from the NRRS COTR on September 19, 2008 to Div/Dist POCs and should be posted on the NRM Gateway's News/Archives by now for addl. reference. Per the e-mail sent out if you have any questions please contact your Division's NRRS CATT representative.

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