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JCTD Candidate Review Board
FY10 Proposals

March 9 – March 12, 2009
Fort Belvoir, Virginia


Welcome to the website for the JCTD Candidate Review Board. Here you will find important information regarding this year's review of FY09 JCTD Candidates.

Attendance is by invitation only and you will need a registration code to register. Registration codes will be provided to invitees from the Office of the DUSD (AS&C). Registration opens January 30, 2009 and closes at 14:00 on March 6, 2009. Registration must be completed online.

Presenters of FY10 JCTD Candidates should register on site the day of their presentation. Please come to the site at least 45 minutes before your presentation.
See Presenter Instructions:

Unclassified (.doc) | Classified (.doc)

In preparation for the Candidate Review, participants should review the FY09 JCTD Candidates on KIMS.

The Candidate Review for unclassified proposals will be held on Fort Belvoir, Virginia, at the Defense Acquisition University, Scott Hall, Building 226. Classified candidates will be reviewed at a remote location near Dulles Airport. Directions to DAU:

Contact the Webmaster concerning this DUSD (AS&C) website at

This site will be updated periodically with the most current information.



Updated December 2008