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2001-2002 Pacifica, Vol. 2

The Pacifica is a publication of news and events from the Department of Defense Schools in the Pacific Area.

Featured are articles and photographs from schools in Guam, Japan, Korea, and Okinawa that display and celebrate some of the exciting activities that have occurred since last fall.

Please contact your local District Superintendent’s Office for more information. The following features are taken from the SY 2001–2002, Volume 2 issue.

Pacifica Cover

Students in Tent

Student giving blooid

Science Student


“Camp Out On Reading” . . . Students from Guam South ES/MS celebrate reading week with a camp out. Students read and discussed stories, learned about story elements, and munched on Smores.


A medical laboratory technician administers a finger prick during science class. Students in the seventh-grade science classes had the opportunity to determine their blood types during a recent genetics unit.


Fifth-grade students took time to study light refraction. Great discussions regarding observations could be heard in every corner of the room. Students recorded their results and then summarized their findings.


During Fire Prevention Week, first-graders made their annual trek to the fire station in the local housing area. There they got to explore the fire engine up close and assist the fire fighters as they demonstrated the power and weight of the fire hoses.

Students helping hold fire hose.


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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
2001-2002 Vol 1  Vol 2
2000-2001 Vol 1  Vol 2
1999-2000 Vol 1  Vol 2

Take part in the

DoDDS Pacific Literacy Project: a three-tiered approach to providing reading instruction so that all children will be successful
Pacifica, SY 2005-2006:
a spotlight on people, places, and programs in DoDDS Pacific