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This website contains links to information regarding specific S/CI and defective items identified from various data sources including, but not limited to: the Government-Industry Date Exchange Program (GIDEP); the Institute for Nuclear Power Operation (INPO); the Office of Inspectors General (IG); and the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS). Each link is maintained for six months and then archived. New items posted each week are designated as "New." Archived information is also available, and for those interesting, Topical searches may be performed.

ORPS S/CI and defective item events posted herein reflect initial reports that are not necessarily addressing final dispositions. Because of this, it should be noted that investigation by the reporting site may reveal that an appropriate final disposition is that an event is no longer deemed S/CI or defective. Periodic searches of the ORPS database to acquire final ORPS reports are conducted by the Office of Corporate Performance Assessment. Inappropriate links will be removed.

The GIDEP website contains a compilation of both S/CI and DI information from both private industry and Federal agencies. Access to the GIDEP database is restricted and requires the user to register. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a publicly accessible Federal organization that provides input to GIDEP regarding S/CI and DI.

The INPO website contains S/CI and defective items information from nuclear utilities. Access to the INPO website also requires registration and has a higher level of restrictions than GIDEP.


This page was last updated on January 17, 2008

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