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News Room Headline
Update on wayward tug

Contact: Patricia Graesser (206) 764-3760 Nov. 30, 2000 SEATTLE--The U.S. Coast Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers have jointly evaluated the tug SEAWAY 10 and agree that the tug is a hazard to navigation. The tug is beached at Useless Bay on south Whidbey Island and is only soft grounded. In the event of a high tide combined with storm surge and northerly winds, which are common during our winter storms in the Northwest, the SEAWAY 10 could refloat and enter the nearby shipping lanes. The Corps of Engineers has contracted with Global Salvage to tow the tug away Dec. 1. The crew will be on site by 7:30 a.m. to hook up the tug by 8:30. The salvage vessel should begin pulling around 9 a.m., and they should be ready to transport the tug back to the Corps’ north mooring buoy by 11 a.m. The Corps will secure the tug with a 100-foot cable. Once the tug is secured, the government’s focus will turn to determining and holding accountable the tug’s owner. The Corps temporary anchored the tug yesterday to hold it in place until it is towed off. Note that all these times are flexible due to the weather and sea conditions.