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News Room Headline
Corps of Engineers continues to assist local communities - a levee breach repair is underway

CONTACT: Patricia Graesser 206-764-3760, cell 206-229-7087, Information Line 1-866-596-2635

SEATTLE -- Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, flood fight teams remain out in western Washington river basins today with one crew actively repairing a breached levee near Orting.

Flood teams deployed yesterday afternoon to assist Pierce County with a repair to a 700-foot section of breached levee along the Puyallup River. Work is expected to continue through Nov. 16.

Teams are also out in the Snohomish, Nooksack, Green, and Skagit river basins and the Olympic Peninsula and are prepared to assist counties as requested. Teams are actively monitoringlevees in the Skagit and Snohomish basins after levee reinforcement work Nov. 12 on the Skagit River and sand bag assistance on the Skykomish River.

The reservoir control center is managing flood control operations for dams on the White and Green rivers.

Public Law 84-99 enables the Corps to assist state and local authorities in flood fight activities and cost share in the repair of flood protection structures. The purpose is to prevent loss of life and minimize property damage associated with severe weather.

The Seattle District has invested $350,000 in flood risk reduction measures since Tuesday and supplied 12,500 sandbags to Snohomish County and 10,000 to the town of Orting.

For more information on the Corps, and up-to-date river forecasts, go to <> and click on

Rivers and Reservoirs. Lake and river information is available at:

Private citizens seeking sandbags should contact their local government offices.

The National Weather Service issues flood watches and warnings and should be consulted for that information.