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News Room Headline
Army Corps flood fight teams wrap up work in Yakima basin, continue assistance to Idaho, Montana

Contact: Patricia Graesser 206-764-3750

SEATTLE - Flood teams from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, are continuing work to assist local governments with flood fighting activities on four river basins in Idaho and Montana.

Teams are out in the Pend Oreille, Couer d’Alene and St. Joe basins in Idaho and the Kootenai basin in Idaho and Montana. The Yakima basin flood team has concluded its work, and the Flathead basin team is on alert should they be needed over the weekend.

The Corps flood teams have completed flood fight efforts on the Naches River and at Lightning Creek near the Lower Clark Fork in Idaho. The Corps assisted with local efforts to protect a sewer line in Osburn, Idaho, and the City of Yakima's water treatment facility on the Naches River. The Corps has also provided 20,000 sandbags to the town of St. Maries, Idaho, 25,000 sandbags to Kootenai County Idaho, and pumps in the town of Cataldo, Idaho.

The Corps activated its Emergency Operations Center May 15, and will remain on alert throughout the weekend until river levels in the Saint Joe basin fall below flood stage. Public Law 84-99 enables the Corps to assist state and local authorities in flood fight activities and cost share in the repair of flood protection structures.

The Corps' Northwestern Division Reservoir Control Center in Portland, Oregon oversees operations at Chief Joseph Dam near Brewster, Wash., Albeni Falls Dam near Newport, Wash., and Libby Dam in Montana. For more information on the Corps, and up-to-date river forecasts, go to <> and click on the link to "lake and river level information" under Links of Interest. The Corps has a 24 hour recorded information toll free line that is updated during emergencies at (866) 596-2635.