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This page was last updated by the Content Provider on 08-Jan-2009
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News Room Headline
Corps increases Libby Dam outflows today as high inflows downstream begin to drop off

Nola Leyde (206) 764-6896 or Cathy Hlebechuk (503) 808-3942

Portland, OR. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has increased outflows from Libby Dam today to 13,800 cubic feet per second. Flows were dropped on Sunday in response to higher flow down the unregulated rivers below the dam, due to warmer temperatures and melting snowpack.

Downstream, at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, the river is peaking near elevation 1762 feet. The river level is expected to continue near that level another day before slowly receding.

With the receding flows, the project has returned to passing the flood control flow, currently 13,800 cfs. Libby Dam also operates to provide additional water releases in the spring for sturgeon, and in the summer for Columbia River salmon and steelhead. The project will hold this outflow or increase slightly until the sturgeon flows commence sometime in late May or early June. River users should note that the river conditions can change rapidly.

The Corps operates and maintains Libby Dam for multiple uses that are consistent with project authorizations and applicable laws and regulations. The Corps' primary consideration is minimizing risk to human life, health and safety while meeting Libby Dam's multiple purposes and responsibilities.

More information about Libby Dam operations is available on the Corps’ Seattle District Web site at <> under hot topics, "Libby Dam 2008 Operations.
