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News Room Headline
Corps soliciting comments for environmental assessment on plans to repair Snoqualmie River Basin lev

Nola Leyde (206) 764-6896

SEATTLE -- A public notice was sent out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District (Corps), on May 5 to solicit comments on the environmental impact of a proposed plan to repair levees in the Snoqualmie River Basin damaged in the November 2006 rainstorm.

According to Jeff Laufle, a biologist with the Corps, the public notice is prepared pursuant to Sec. 102(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (43 U.S. Code Secs. 4321-4370e), for an environmental assessment (EA) of proposed levee repairs at four sites in the Snoqualmie River Basin, in King County, Washington.

"These sites incurred damage during flooding that occurred as a result of a major rainstorm in November 2006. This heavy rain caused peak flows of 67,000 cubic feet a second in the Snoqualmie River. Several levees along the Snoqualmie River and one of its tributaries, the Raging River, were damaged as a result of these floods," Laufle said.

A more detailed Notice of Preparation for the EA may be found on the Seattle District Web site at (scroll to "Snoqualmie River Levee Rehabilitation" as listed in the project column).

The Corps has made a preliminary determination that the environmental impacts of the proposal can be adequately evaluated under the National Environmental Policy Act through preparation of an EA. Preparation of an EA addressing potential environmental impacts associated with the levee rehabilitation project is currently under way.

"The Corps invites submission of comment on the environmental impact of the proposal and will consider all submissions received by the expiration date of this notice, June 5, 2008," Laufle said.

"The nature or scope of the proposal may be changed upon consideration of the comments received. The Corps will initiate an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and afford all the appropriate public participation opportunities attendant to an EIS, if significant effects on the quality of the human environment are identified and cannot be mitigated," he said.

Comments should reach the Corps, sent to the attention of Laufle, Environmental Resources Section, not later than June 5, 2008 to ensure consideration. Requests for additional information should be directed to Maj. Karl Jansen, project manager, at (206) 764-3751.

Mailing address is:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District

Attn: Jeff Laufle, Environmental Resources Section

P.O. Box 3755

Seattle, WA 98124-3755

Comments may be submitted to Laufle at that address, by email at, by fax at (206) 764-4470, or by phone at (206) 764-6578. Anyone needing a copy of the Notice of Preparation on compact disc or in print form may make a request by contacting Laufle by email or phone.