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News Room Headline
Free workshops offered on Army Corps permitting

Contact: Patricia Graesser (206) 764-3760

SEATTLE--The Army Corps of Engineers and Washington State Department of Ecology are sponsoring free workshops this November and December covering recent changes in nationwide permits, regulatory implications of the Supreme Court's Rapanos ruling, cultural resources protection, and habitat protection issues.

On March 19, 2007, all nationwide permits were reissued, some with modifications, and 6 new nationwide permits were added. Nationwide permits are administered by the Corps of Engineers and authorize minor activities in the nation’s waters, including wetlands. These activity-specific permits allow work that will have a minimal adverse impact to the environment.

The workshops will be held from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., and registration is not required. Dates and locations are as follows:

Nov. 26-------Wenatchee-----Wenatchee Public Library, 310 Douglas St.
Nov. 27-------Yakima------- Dept. of Transportation, 900 E. Selah Rd.
Nov. 28-------Spokane----- Dept. of Transportation, 2714 N. Mayfair Street
Dec. 4---------Bellingham-----Dept. of Transportation, 3920 Airport Way
Dec. 5---------Olympia-----Capitol Campus, John O’Brien Building, 504-15th Ave. SW
Dec. 6---------Vancouver-----Dept of Fish and Wildlife, 2108 Grand Boulevard
Dec 7----------Seattle-----Federal Center South, 4735 E. Marginal Way South

The Special Public Notice can be found at by selecting "Regulatory/Permits" from the left hand column and clicking on "2007 Nationwide Permits."