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Corps of Engineers proposes process for changing operating hours at Ballard Locks

Corps of Engineers proposes process for changing operating hours at Ballard LocksContact: Patricia Graesser (206) 764-3760 May 25, 2005 SEATTLE--The Army Corps of Engineers has published a notice in the Federal Register proposing to establish a procedure for modifying hours of operation at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Seattle, Wash. This procedure would allow the district engineer to change the scheduled operational hours of the locks after issuing a public notice and providing a 30-day comment period for any proposed change. Comments on this proposed procedure must be submitted on or before July 25, 2005. Written comments should be sent to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attn: CENWS-OD-TS-PS (Robert M. Rawson) P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, Washington 98124-3755 or by e-mail to The Corps sees that there is a need to have a public notice and comment process in place to allow for changes in scheduled operation. The proposed process is for the district engineer to, after issuing a public notice and providing a 30-day opportunity for public comment, set a schedule for the daily hours of operation. Prior to issuing a schedule, or any change to the schedule, the district engineer will consider all public comments and will evaluate operational efficiencies, commercial needs, the water situation, recreational use of the locks, and other public interests to determine the need for a change in scheduled operation. The full text of this proposal can be found in the May 25, 2005, Federal Register (Volume 70, Number 100) on-line at or click HERE