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News Room Headline
Corps of Engineers to place sand to protect Grays Harbor's south jetty

Corps of Engineers to place sand to protect Grays Harbor's south jetty Contact: Patricia Graesser (206) 764-3760 Feb. 5, 2004 SEATTLE--The Army Corps of Engineers will protect the rapidly eroding shoreline adjacent to the Grays Harbor south jetty breach fill in Westport, Wash., by placing about 25,000 cubic yards of sand along 700 linear feet of shoreline. Erosion accelerated by heavy storms threatens the south jetty breach fill placed in 1994 and re-nourished in 2002. The sand placement is intended to prevent another breach from forming and threatening the stability of the south jetty and federal navigation channel. The Corps changed its plans from cobble and gravel placement to sand placement in response to objections raised by members of local interest groups. The Corps coordinated this project with State and local officials and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries as required under the Endangered Species Act. The Corps also received approvals or necessary certification from the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Fish & Wildlife for this project. The Corps will place approximately 10,000 cubic yards of the material in an in-water area at low tide--work that must be completed by Feb. 14. The rest of the material is expected to be placed by the end of February. The sand is already on site and will be hauled approximately one half mile to the threatened breach fill area. # # #