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News Room Headline
Howard Hanson Dam Fish Habitat Restoration pilot project 1 information meeting April 23

Contact: Andrea Takash, 206-766-6447 April 14, 2003 Seattle--The public information meeting for the 2003 Howard Hanson Dam Additional Water Supply Project, Fish Habitat Restoration pilot project 1, will be held the evening of April 23 in Ravensdale. The meeting will focus on the Corps of Engineers gravel nourishment and engineered log jam construction pilot project 1 in the Green River, downstream from the Tacoma Public Utilities Diversion Dam. Pilot project 1 construction will begin in August 2003. Pilot project 2 construction will begin in August 2004. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the public meeting room in the Grace Hansen Community Center at 27132 SE Ravensdale Way, Ravensdale. Attendees will have the opportunity to comment on the planned fish habitat restoration construction. Representatives from the Corps of Engineers project management and technical design team will be available to discuss operations, take comments and answer questions. Information packets will be provided. For online information, visit the Seattle District website From this website navigate to the Howard Hanson Dam Additional Water Supply Project, click here To view the Fish habitat Restoration 404 Notice, click here Mamie Brouwer is the Howard Hanson Dam Fish Habitat Restoration project manager. If you have any questions or comments about the public information meeting, please contact Andrea Takash, Public Affairs Specialist, at 206-766-6447.