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Searched on Exact phrase of VISUAL AIDS in the index terms;.

Returned 9 results.

  1. New Mexico's Early Care, Education, and Family Support Professional Development System: The Continuous Journey
    By New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department; 2002
    Description: This Microsoft PowerPoint presentation briefly describes New Mexico’s early care, education, and family support professional development system. Certification and licensure used across early care, education,... (100.00%)

  2. What's in a Shape? Children Represent Shape Variability Differently than Adults When Naming Objects.
    By Maurissa Abecassis, Jennifer Schwade, Maria D. Sera, Albert Yonas; 2001
    Description: Investigated degree to which two shape dimensions were represented categorically by children and adults when learning object names. Found that adults accepted names more often to objects that fell within... (100.00%)

  3. Dissociations between Featural versus Conjunction-based Texture Processing in Infancy: Analyses of Three Potential Contributing Factors.
    By Evelin Bertin, Ramesh S. Bhatt; 2001
    Description: Examined three possible explanations for findings that infants detect textural discrepancies based on individual features more readily than on feature conjunctions. Found that none of the proposed factors... (100.00%)

  4. Infants' Knowledge of Objects: Beyond Object Files and Object Tracking.
    By Susan Carey, Fei Xu; 2001
    Description: Examines evidence that the research community studying infants' object concept and the community concerned with adult object-based attention have been studying the same natural kind. Maintains that the... (100.00%)

  5. Temporal Bisection in Children.
    By Sylvie Droit-Volet, John H. Wearden; 2001
    Description: Trained 3- 5-, and 8-year-olds in temporal bisection task, with nonstandard comparison stimuli spaced linearly between short or long standard visual stimuli. Statistical analyses and results from different... (100.00%)

  6. Infants Parse Dynamic Action.
    By Jodie A. Baird, Dare A. Baldwin, M. Angela Clark, Megan M. Saylor; 2001
    Description: Two studies investigated whether 10- to 11-month-olds possess skills for parsing ongoing behavior along boundaries correlated with initiation and completion of intentions. Found that infants showed renewed... (100.00%)

  7. Temporal Generalization in 3- to 8-Year-Old Children.
    By Angelique Clement, Sylvie Droit-Volet, John Wearden; 2001
    Description: Tested 3- 5-, and 8-year-olds on temporal generalization with visual stimuli. Found increasing sharpness of generalization gradient with increasing age, and change from symmetrical to adult-like asymmetrical... (100.00%)

  8. The Perception of Static Subjective Contours in Infancy.
    By Michael J. Kavsek; 2002
    Description: Used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to test ability of 4- 5-, and 7- month-olds to differentiate between a subjective ellipse and a nonsubjective pattern that were constructed by displacing the... (100.00%)

  9. Learning Link: Helping your Baby Learn to Talk.
    By National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education; January 01, 1995
    Description: Noting that young children learn to talk at different ages but within certain developmental boundaries, this document presents two charts to help parents facilitate their toddler's speech. The first chart... (100.00%)

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