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Library - Search Results

Searched on Exact phrase of TWINS in the index terms;.

Returned 4 results.

  1. A Twin Study of Attachment in Preschool Children.
    By Carla M. Croft, Thomas G. O'Connor; 2001
    Description: Investigated the degree to which individual differences in child-parent attachment were mediated by genetic shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influences. Found an overall concordance rate... (100.00%)

  2. Infancy to Early Childhood: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Developmental Change.
    By Robert N. Emde, John K. Hewitt; 2001
    Description: Part 5 deals with environmental contributions and cross-domain integrations. Part 6 reviews major themes and conclusions. Each chapter contains references. (100.00%)

  3. Parenting and the Child's World: Influences on Academic Intellectual, and Social- Emotional Development. Monographs in Parenting.
    By John G. Borkowski, Marie Bristol-Power, Sharon Landesman Ramey; 2002
    Description: Conceived around the notion that there are multiple sources of influence on children's development this volume describes when, where, and how parenting matters and the major antecedents and moderators... (100.00%)

  4. Twins in School: What Teachers Should Know
    By Lillian G Katz; October 01, 1998
    Description: The incidence of multiple births has increased dramatically in the past two decades. Given this trend, it seems reasonable to assume that many teachers will have twins and other multiple siblings in their... (100.00%)

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