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Office of Public Affairs (OPA)

Fighting Poverty, Strengthening Families

HHS Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., (right) with U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) (center) and U.S. Senator Jim Talent (R-Missouri) speak on empowering families in need.

HHS Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., (right) with U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) (center) and U.S. Senator Jim Talent (R-Missouri) speak on empowering families in need.

The May 3 event in the U.S. Capitol event was part of the U.S. Senate’s anti-poverty agenda designed to empower families in need.

Dr. Horn spoke of programs administered by HHS’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF) designed to promote responsible fatherhood. The welfare reform reauthorization, which took place on Feb. 8, included up to $50 million per year over the next five years for responsible fatherhood along with $100 million per year over the next five years for healthy marriage.

For more information on the Senate anti-poverty agenda, go to:

For more information about welfare reauthorization, go to:




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