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Count on
the Corps

You Can Count on the Corps if you are:

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If you are a state, city, county or tribe with a water resource problem, you can count on the Corps to: 

for Small Projects,

  • Analyze the problem and get ready for construction within 1-3 years; 

for Large Projects,

  • Define the problem and potential solutions within 12-18 months; 
  • Develop the best alternative solution within 3-4 years; 
  • Design that solution within 2 years after the project is authorized for construction by Congress; 
  • Ensure that our construction contractors provide a quality product; 
  • Consult with you on all changes in project design, schedule or budget; 
  • Provide you with information on actions you can take to reduce flood risk through our Flood Plain Management Services and Planning Assistance to States programs.


If you are a user of the Nation's ports and inland waterways, you can count on the Corps to:

  • Maintain harbor and waterway channels at navigable depths; 
  • Keep navigation locks on the waterways open at least 97 percent of the time; 
  • Notify you of scheduled lock outages at least 60 days in advance and maintain procedures for notification of unscheduled outages; 
  • Share information with the navigation industry, and with state and local officials, on potential flood conditions. 

An aerial photo of a reservoir

If you are a hydro-electric power user or utility, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Provide hydropower using the most cost-effective operation and maintenance methods. 

If you are a resident of a community drawing water from a Corps project, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Deliver a reliable supply of clean water to meet your community's needs. 

If you are a visitor to a Corps recreation area, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Operate clean, safe recreation areas and visitor centers, staffed by courteous employees. 
Photo of a Park Ranger smiling as she speaks with a young adult

If you are seeking a permit to do work in a wetland or waterway, you can count on the Corps to:

  • Act on your inquiry (including questions on whether a piece of land is a "wetland" or whether a general permit applies) within 60 days; 
  • Process your individual permit, if you need one, within 120 days; 
  • Consider all factors in the public interest, including needs for economic development and environmental protection, in reaching a decision on your application; 
  • Visit and inspect at least 25% of the sites for which individual permits were issued during the previous year. 

If you are concerned with the environment, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Identify environmental issues during the planning process for military and civil projects, or before we issue a permit for work in a waterway or wetland; 
  • Weigh costs and benefits to the environment with economic costs and benefits; 
  • Seek opportunities to modify Corps projects for environmental benefit; 
  • Monitor environmental measures once they are in place to evaluate their success; 
  • Inspect Civil Works facilities on a five-year cycle to keep them in full compliance with environmental law; 
  • Clean up hazardous and toxic waste sites as promptly and thoroughly as funding allows; specifically: 

— Start action within 180 days of customer funding;
— Award contracts within time frames agreed to with the customer;
— Not exceed cost estimates by more than 15%. 

  • Develop new solutions to environmental concerns and make them available to others. 

If you are a resident of a community struck by natural disaster, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Help your community leaders organize flood fighting and provide sandbags, pumps and technical assistance in compliance with the law; 
  • Provide post-disaster technical assistance, clear and remove debris, and help restore critical public facilities or services; 
  • Provide water in cases of drought or contaminated local supplies for up to 30 days, or until your local government can provide safe water. 

If you are a Federal agency needing engineering support, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Provide the high quality, cost effective services called for in our agreement with your agency; 

If you are a contractor doing business with the Corps, you can count on the Corps to: 

  • Operate as your partners in meeting a common goal; 
  • Meet with you on a regular basis while work is in progress to assist as needed; 
  • Use Alternate Dispute Resolution to resolve issues; 
  • Pay you promptly for work completed in accordance with your contract. 

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