The Library of Congress > Song of America Tour
Song of America Tour The Library of Congress and Thomas Hampson celebrate creativity across America with the Song of America Tour Hampson Tour Press Release Learn more about the tour

|| Message from the Librarian  ||

James H. BillingtonGreetings from James H. Billington and the nation's oldest federal cultural institution


||The American Art Song  ||

American Art Song I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear; ...Singing, with open mouths, their strong melodious songs.


|| News about the Tour ||

newspaper headlining Song of AmericaBaritone Thomas Hampson to tour 12 American cities in 2005 and 2006

 More News

|| Creativity on Tour  ||

Thomas Hampson during rehearsalThe Library of Congress brings programs, exhibitions, poetry and more to cities on the tour


|| Song in America  ||

Walt Whitman's butterflyThomas Hampson's thoughts on song in America


|| Tour Highlights ||