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If the school does not provide and invoice transportation costs, sponsors may claim local transportation expenses separately. Request for Reimbursement of Transportation Expenses (DSE Form 950) is a Worksheet to Estimate Cost of Transportation Expenses for mileage or other transportation expenses. Typically, only one DSE Form 950 is needed per sponsor if all the sponsor's children are being transported in one trip. Only one round trip per day is allowed; that is, one trip from residence to school and return. The DSE Form 950 is a worksheet to estimate annual transportation costs. The DSE Form 950 is not a claim for reimbursement. Actual transportation costs should be claimed on Standard Form 1164 (SF1164) for POV mileage reimbursement or by submitting Claim for Reimbursement of Educational Allowances (DSE Form 960), along with receipts for other transportation services.

Reimbursement of Transportation Expenses
Register in the NDSP by submitting: Submit further information regarding transportation for POV mileage:
  • This linked document is a PDFDSE form 950 (One Way Distance must exceed one mile)
  • Local Education Authority (LEA) or school documentation that transportation services are not available
Claim for Reimbursement:
  1. POV Mileage Claim (submit quarterly or term):
  2. Other Transportation Services Claim (submit upon payment):
    • This linked document is a PDFDSE form 960
    • Invoice from Service Provider
    • Proof of payment
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