MICRODEM is a microcomputer mapping program written by Professor Peter Guth of the Naval Academy. The program requires a 32 bit version of Windows such as XP and will run on 64 bit Windows in 32 bit mode.

The program is available in several ways:

Executing the installation program will create icons on the start menu and two directories:

The program  will create a log of program operations in the file 'microdem_debug_log.txt', in a PetmarTrilobites subdirectory in the Windows temporary directory; the easiest way to get the file is to to open it from the Help menu while the program is still running. You must copy this file immediately after encountering an unexplained crash, because the file is overwritten every time you run the program. Send the file to me and I can better determine what caused the problem. The debug log is not complete, and I may have to add additional debugging messages to the program and have you repeat the error and send a new log until we can isolate the problem.

You can get the following data sets.  You can change the c: to the root directory of another drive if that is the location of your mapdata folder, either during the installation or by cutting the mapdata directory and moving it to another drive. 

Last Update: 10/1/2008