Career Development Job Postings Banner

Job Postings

    Managers - Hopefully one of your goals is to hire the brightest and the best for this agency. Below, you have an opportunity to post, nationally, an informal notice of a pending or current position openings, and review job fair applicants. Besides permanent Corps positions, postings may include opportunities for developmental assignments, Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) positions, Co-op Education positions, jobs with other agencies, etc. You may submit Co-op student referrals here. To assist in recruitment an Environmental Careers CD is available for your use.

    Opportunity Seekers - All Federal jobs are normally listed on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) web page. All Corps of Engineers and Army jobs are also listed on the Army Civilian Personnel Online (CPOL) Website. The OPM Website allows the potential applicant a variety of ways to search for a position, such as by trade, job series, salary demands etc. The CPOL Website lists all Department of Army jobs.

    This is not an "official" Corps of Engineers employment web site. It is simply another avenue that will allow potential recruits to learn of opportunities and allow hiring personnel to be proactive in their search for talent. For official job opportunities, recruits should still utilize the Central Personnel On-Line and the Office of Personnel Management websites.


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Updated August 2006