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Vol. 39 No. 1       A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers       January 1, 2009

Building Wellness

Ergonomics for everyone
By Shilo Nelson

Start off the New Year right by checking in with your posture. Incorrect posture may lead to muscle imbalances, limited range of motion at a specific joint, and/or pain when sitting for prolonged periods of time.

When seated at your desk, make sure your abdominals are slightly contracted with navel pulled in, shoulders back and down, chest lifted, and feet flat on the floor. Periodically give eyes a break by closing them for 15-30 seconds around 3-4 times, or look away from your screen for the same amount of time. Do this every hour. Take stretch breaks every 1-2 hours. Below are a few simple exercises that you can do at your desk without sweating or wrinkling your clothes!

Shoulder problem:
Are your shoulders rounded forward or elevated while working at the computer?


Keep the shoulders down by allowing the scapulae, shoulder blades, to sink downward toward your hips. Retract the shoulder blades, pulling the shoulder blades back toward one another, and lift the chest upward.

Stretch: Chest Expansion

Chest expansion. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)
Chest expansion. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)

Interlace the fingers behind the back, drop the shoulders, lift the chest upward, and lift the arms off the back of the body. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. Stretch every 1-2 hours.

Back problem:

Do you experience lower back pain when seated for an extended period of time?


Place a small pillow or roll a body size towel up and place it between your lower back and the chair.  Adjust the chair so it complements your torso height, and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Stretch: Seated forward fold

Seated forward fold. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)
Seated forward fold. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)

Push away from your desk. Extend the legs forward and seal them together with your toes pointing upward. Inhale and bring your arms up over your head, exhale and fold forward at the hips, resting the arms and hands on your legs. Relax the neck, shoulders and muscles of the face. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. Stretch every 1-2 hours.

Wrist problem:

Are your forearms and wrist extended and/or unsupported for long periods of time?


Keep the wrists in a neutral, straight position, by using the arm rest of your chair when typing or use a cushioned wrist pad. You can also fold a towel and use it as a wrist pad. Adjust your chair and keyboard height, allowing the shoulders to be relaxed and elbows bent at 90 degrees.

Stretch: Forearm, wrist stretch

Forearm, wrist stretch. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)
Forearm, wrist stretch. (USACE photos by Brooks Hubbard IV)

Extend the right arm straight out from the shoulder with the finger tips facing the floor, the heel of the palm up facing outward from the body. Use the left hand to apply slight pressure against the right hand. Repeat with left arm. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. Stretch every 1-2 hours.

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