Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Dec 2008 Issue arrow 12.10 Human Resources
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Vol. 38 No. 12     A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers     December 1,  2008

Human Resources

Status of 2009 pay adjustments pending executive order

Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed legislation providing a 3.9 percent overall average pay increase for General Schedule employees in 2009.

The statute authorizes the president to allocate the overall increase between an across-the-board increase and locality payments that vary by locality.

The Office of Personnel Management will publish pay tables for 2009 on its Web site as soon as possible after the president issues an executive order allocating the overall increase between an across-the-board increase and locality pay and establishes locality pay rates for 2009.

OPM Document: 2008 Locality Payments and Total Pay Increases for General Schedule Employees
OPM Document: 2008 Locality Payments and Total Pay Increases for General Schedule Employees

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