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Former Camp Ibis - Poster Placement Print
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Poster Placement Locations & Photos
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Ordnance Awareness Safety poster at the Burger Hut on Old Route 66.
Ordnance Awareness Safety poster at the Burger Hut on Old Route 66.
Corrine More with the Needles Regional Museum poses with an Ordnance Awareness Safety poster at the front counter display.
Corrine More with the Needles Regional Museum poses with an Ordnance Awareness Safety poster at the front counter display.
Ordnance Awareness Safety poster on display at the Needles City Utility counter.
Ordnance Awareness Safety poster on display at the Needles City Utility counter.
Ordnance Awareness Safety poster on display at Eagles Lodge 2599 in Needles.
Ordnance Awareness Safety poster on display at Eagles Lodge 2599 in Needles.
Camp Ibis Ordnance Awareness Safety display at the Needles Branch Library.
Camp Ibis Ordnance Awareness Safety display at the Needles Branch Library.
General Patton Camp Ibis display at Needles Branch Library
General Patton Camp Ibis display at Needles Branch Library

Locations of the Ordnance Awareness Posters
Ordnance safety posters and/or brochures were placed at the following locations in Needles and the surrounding area. Our thanks to all these schools, government agencies, organizations, and businesses for their help in increasing ordnance awareness throughout the community.

Poster Location
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