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Home arrow Arizona/Nevada Area arrow Tempe project receives award
Tempe project receives award Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Friday, 26 October 2007

The Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Project (Tempe portion) received the Environmental Technology (Creation and/or Preservation of Habitat) Award of Merit at the 27th Annual Valley Forward Environmental Excellence Awards event in Scottsdale, Ariz.
This year 46 projects were honored for their significant contributions to the environment.  Almost 100 entries were received from businesses, government agencies and non-profit organizations.  In addition to the President’s Award, 18 first-place Crescordia awards and 28 awards of merit were presented at the Sept. 29 ceremony.

“The Rio Salado Habitat Restoration represents a careful balance between the needs of Tempe as an urban community and the natural environment,” said Nancy Ryan, Rio Salado Manager for the city of Tempe.  “In cooperation and partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers, the City has been able to add to community sustainability through three primary objectives. One – maintain safe and effective flood conveyance. Two – restore the natural habitat of the Salt River; and three – create a regional destination and urban center for recreation.”

The Crescordia winner in the Environmental Technology category was the Historic Gibson Mine Reclamation, a project involving the remediation of a former mine in southern Gila County, approximately 70 miles east of Phoenix.
Valley Forward's Environmental Excellence Awards (EEA) program is Arizona's oldest and largest environmental competition. The program has grown significantly over the years and now includes 22 categories, including buildings and structures; site development and landscape; and open space and connectivity.

In 2006, Rio Salado Environmental Restoration Project won the President’s Award for Special Achievement in Environmental Excellence. The project also earned two first-place Crescordia awards in the categories of Open Space and Connectivity (Parks) and Environmental Stewardship.  The Army Corps of Engineers with the support of its project sponsor, city of Phoenix, is working to revive a five-mile portion of a dry portion of the Salt River in Phoenix.

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