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Home arrow Arizona/Nevada Area arrow Rio de Flag project now underway
Rio de Flag project now underway Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Thursday, 15 November 2007
(From left to right) Flagstaff city council member Al White, Deputy Commander for USACE Los Angeles District Lt. Col. Martha Kiene, Arizona Nevada, Acting Area Engineer Neil Erwin, Alpine Diversified, Inc. owner Lonnie Minor, Council member Karen Cooper and Mayor, Joseph ‘Joe’ C. Donaldson break ground on the first phase of the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project, the Clay Avenue Wash Detention Basin project in Flagstaff, Ariz.
(From left to right) Flagstaff city council member Al White, Deputy Commander for USACE Los Angeles District Lt. Col. Martha Kiene, Arizona Nevada, Acting Area Engineer Neil Erwin, Alpine Diversified, Inc. owner Lonnie Minor, Council member Karen Cooper and Mayor, Joseph ‘Joe’ C. Donaldson break ground on the first phase of the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project, the Clay Avenue Wash Detention Basin project in Flagstaff, Ariz.
Flagstaff city officials, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers team members and guests converged in an open field along Route 66 to celebrate  the start of the Clay Avenue Wash Detention Basin, the first phase of the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project. 

Rail cars moved along the BNSF rail line no more than 200 feet away, and the Hidden Hollow Manufactured Home Community remained tucked behind the standing pines.  The two features served to remind guests of this important project feature  in their community and how the entire project will reduce the significant impact  to residential, commercial and industrial structures.

“There’s a great reason to celebrate today," noted Kim Gavigan, a planner for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .  “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. It’s taken 14 years to get us here,” he said, noting his initial involvement in the reconnaissance study that began in 1993.

The Clay Avenue Detention Basin consists of two-riprap protected earthen embankments, constructed at an elevation to temporarily detain the estimated Maximum Probable Flood (100-year).  Borrow material, excavated from a larger basin (a former pasture) will be used to construct the embankments, protecting the BNSF Railroad mainline and the neighboring Hidden Hollow Manufactured Home Community.

“This phase of the project is in the public’s immediate best interest,” said Mayor Joe Donaldson.  “This project continues to be one of the City of Flagstaff’s top priorities and we remain committed to this quality project for our citizens.”

Upon completion, the Rio de Flag Flood Control project will provide a 100-year level of flood protection for downtown historical Flagstaff and most of the Northern Arizona University north campus.

Eighteen floods have been recorded along the Rio de Flag since 1988. The last major flood occurred in 1993.
Significant development occurred within the Rio de Flag floodplains until adoption of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps and associated development restrictions in 1983.  Years of unregulated development in the floodplain left only a narrow and shallow low-flow channel throughout much of the downtown area.

Today, more than half of Flagstaff’s population would be directly affected by a large flood, which could result in damage to approximately 1,500 structures.

Rio de Flag project features include channel modifications, construction of a detention basin to reduce flood flows along the wash and construction of berms and floodwalls in the Thorpe Park area.  Recreational aspects include expanding and enhancing the Flagstaff Urban Trail System and restoring riparian habitat within the project area.

During her opening remarks, Lt. Col. Martha Kiene, deputy commander for the Los Angeles District, noted how these projects come to fruition only through the collaborative effort and the dedicated support from Congressional representatives.  She recognized Arizona Congressman Rick Renzi for his efforts throughout the design and construction of this project. Kiene also thanked non-Federal sponsors, contractors and Corps staff. 

“We’re delighted to have partnered with the city on designing the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project, and the Corps will continue to work closely with the city until all phases of the project are complete,” said Kiene. 

The Clay Avenue Wash Detention Basin, a $5.1 million feature was awarded to Alpine Diversified, Inc. of Lemoore, Calif. in July under the Federal Small Business set-aside program. Completion is expected in August 2008.

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