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Home arrow Arizona/Nevada Area arrow Tropicana Flamingo Flood Control Project, Las Vegas, NV
Tropicana Flamingo Flood Control Project, Las Vegas, NV Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Tuesday, 08 March 2005

This very intense and widespread July 8, 1999 storm had flood flows that exceeded 100-year values and caused $20.5 million in public damages.
The Tropicana Flamingo flood control project is one of the most innovative flood-control projects in the country. Located West of and through the sprawling city of Las Vegas, Nevada, along both the Tropicana and Flamingo Washes, this $312 million project is designed to protect the lives and property of a city, whose population is expected to reach two million by 2015.

In 1959 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District issued a warning about a serious flooding problem in the Vegas valley. Since then Las Vegas has experienced at least 10 separate multi-million dollar floods during which 26 lives were lost in 13 separate flash flood events.

Las Vegas Strip
In 1975 added local interest spurred by recent flood problems and visions of exponential population growth in Las Vegas resulted in providing the Corps with Congressional authorization to proceed with a flood control study. Designers and planners faced two basic challenges in this study; existing channels could not be enlarged because of urban encroachment east of the Las Vegas strip, and there was no way to collect the water on the alluvial fan to detain it. Because of the washes' unusual terrain, dikes or embankments could not be relied on as protective shields, since floodwaters would have simply surged between nearby homes and businesses.

To engineer a solution, the Corps conducted studies between 1985 through 1991. The studies resulted in a plan to design a detention system to provide a 100-year level of protection by capturing and controlling alluvial fan flows entering Tropicana and Flamingo Washes, then releasing these flows through the highly urbanized areas at non-damaging rates.

The Red Rock detention basin undergoes construction to better protect against future flooding and damage
In 1995, construction began as a result of a joint effort between the Corps of Engineers and its local sponsors, Clark County Regional Flood Control District and Clark County Department of Public Works.

The Bureau of Land Management was consulted during the design phase resulting in plans to preserve the Mojave Desert Scrub and protect the desert tortoise.

The Tropicana Flamingo Project Delivery Team also sought a harmonious balance with the growing community by meeting with developers and local sponsors on a regular basis to design a flood control facility that would fit with development plans.

In summary, the Tropicana & Flamingo Washes flood control project is comprehensive and has interfaced with Clark County’s master plan. It is a designed detention system that will provide 100-year level protection by capturing and controlling alluvial fan flows entering Tropicana and Flamingo Washes and release them through the highly urbanized areas at non-damaging rates. It is also being built to accommodate new development and will allow existing streams in the urbanized area to handle the design event.

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