Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Aug 2008 Issue arrow 8.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 38 No. 8          A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers            August 2008

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
As I’m sure many of you have seen, hurricane season is in full swing. Gustav has taken his best shot at the Gulf Coast and the levees the Corps has built or repaired since Katrina are holding strong.
We’ve got three volunteers from the Mighty L.A. District in the New Orleans area working on recovery missions and we have more on standby. We’re ready for the repercussions from Gustav and preparing for Hannah and the next round of storms in the region.
Volunteers like those who are in Louisiana and those overseas truly redefine what it means to go above and beyond. I’m proud of the work each and every one of you do here in our district and am especially proud of all of you who have taken the time to lend your incredible talents to districts around the country and to people around the world. You are all showing what it means to be a part of the world’s finest public engineering operation.
For everyone, don’t think just because the hurricanes are halfway across the country that disaster preparedness is just “out there.”
The last earthquake here wasn’t all that long ago. What would you do if “the big one” hit today? Would you know where you need to go to evacuate? Would your family know what to do? How about flooding or fires? Are you prepared both physically with supplies and fiscally with the appropriate insurance?

I ask not to send anyone into a panic with worry. These are real-world concerns we must all deal with out here. If you’re not ready, worse – if your family is not ready, then you run the risk of incurring financial hardship and having someone in your family hurt during a natural disaster.
Being prepared is not a cure all and no one should think just because he or she has gotten all the needed supplies and equipment, no one in the family will be affected by the next fire, flood or earthquake. But, we all know mitigating the risks is the best we can do in any situation involving unknowns like Mother Nature.
You all do great work. I want you to be around to do it for a long time. Your families are important in making sure you’re here to do all that great work for the American people. Take care of yourselves and take care of them. Continue on with all those outstanding volunteer missions. I’m proud of all of you.



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