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US Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District
915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 980
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Home arrow Departments arrow Small & Disadvantage Business Utilization arrow How to Sell to the US Army Corps of Engineers
How to Sell to the US Army Corps of Engineers Print
Written by Mary Spencer   
Thursday, 01 December 2005

Step 1: Call or write the Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers Small and Disadvantages Business Utilization Office. The Small Business Office Phone Number is: (213) 452-3938, our Mailing Address is: U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Attn: (CESPL-DD-B), P.O. Box 532711, Los Angeles, California, 90053-2325.

Step 2: Send a copy of your companies capability statement to the Deputy for Small Business prior to making an appointment to visit. Your Capability Statement can be e-mailed to the following address if it is in an electronic format not exceeding a file size of one meg. E-mail to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Step 3: Discuss your capabilities, interests and capacities to perform with the Deputy for Small Business.

Step 4: Register with the Central Contractor Registration, (CCR), A handbook on CCR is available on the Publications Page of this web site. Information can also be obtained by calling 1(800) 334-3414.

Step 5. Subscribe to and read the Commerce Business Daily (CBD). All Procurements over 100K are advertised in the CBD at Los Angeles District. The CBD can also be viewed for free on the internet.

Step 6. Subscribe to a Value Added Network (VAN) for all Small Purchases under 100K. The Los Angeles advertises all Small Purchases on FACNET. To find out more about FACNET, and Electronic Commerce with-in the Federal Government, Please view the Electronic Commerce Resource Centers web page at: http// . Also Available is a Booklet on Electronic Commerce on the Publications Page.

Step 7. View Advertised solicitations on the Los Angeles Contracting Web Page at

Step 8. Request copies of Plan Holders lists from the plan room for Subcontracting Opportunities. Market your firms capabilities to our Large Business Prime Contractors hold subcontracting plans with the los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A listing of the Awarded Contracts with active Subcontracting Plans and the name, address, and phone number of the Subcontracting Plan Administrators is listed on the Subcontracting Plan P.O.C.Page. Plan holders lists can also be viewed on our Advertised Solicitation Web Page at:

Step 9. If your firm is Qualified as an SDB register with your Local SBA to be able to claim the new SDB evaluation credit and to be eligible to be claimed as an SDB when performing as a Subcontractor. A listing of the Local SBA Offices is available by clicking here.

Step 10. If you are a contractor in the 8(a) program market your capabilities to the Individuals Listed here. The Los Angeles District has over the last few years used the 8(a) program quite extensively to meet the high quality, short time frame demands of our customers. In FY 98 LA District awarded close to 12% of all obligated dollars to 8(a) firms (Approximately $45,000,000.00).

The Society of American Military Engineers

Participation in the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) is highly encouraged by my office as a means of marketing your firms capabilities, many of the Large Businesses that we contract with are active members, in addition participation provides your firm the ability to also market your capabilities to the ranking Officers with-in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other DoD Agencies such as Naval Facilities Engineering Command. The Society also provides insightful information on the direction of both the Military and Civil, Design, Construction and Environmental Programs. To find out more about the Society, membership and meeting dates please view the following SAME Web Site at:

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