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Home arrow Departments arrow Office of Counsel arrow Mission & Areas of Practice
Mission & Areas of Practice Print
Written by Lisa Lugar   
Monday, 30 January 2006
Our Mission: Manage the legal program as it applies on a regional basis to the execution of the district's various missions, including Civil Works, Military, and Regulatory Programs. The Legal Program includes Bid Protests, Mistakes-in-Bid, Bond sufficiency, terminations for default, Contract Industrial Relations Program, Regulatory permits and Cease and Desist Orders, Environmental Impact Statements, litigation, Federal Tort claims and other non-contractual claims, Real Estate acquisition and management, Labor Counselor Program, Procurement Fraud Program, Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, Fiscal Law and Ethics Program.

Areas of Practice

Civil Works and Military Programs
District Claims Program
Labor and Employment Law
Contract Labor Standards
Freedom of Information Act
Fiscal Law
Real Estate

Civil Works and Military Program Support

We provide advice to District elements on statutory interpretation of civil works and military project authorizations. Supports project execution by reviewing and certifying all documents developed for legal sufficiency.


We provide legal advice on the full range of procurement questions.  We review contractual instruments such as preliminary contract documents, modifications, etc., for legal sufficiency.   Review, investigate, recommend and act as appropriate on all contractual and non-contractual claims and appeals, including the presentation of cases before the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals and assisting the Department of Justice before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.  We draft final decisions of the Contracting Officer.  We provide legal support and presentation of the government’s position in bid protests; acts as Procurement Fraud Advisor; presents the government’s position in a variety of ADR formats.

District Claims Program (Torts and Admiralty)

Our District Claims Officer investigates and processes diverse admiralty and tort claims; assesses affirmative claims when public works or property is damaged; manages the collection program for damage recovery; supports wreck removal; prepares all necessary litigation reports and assists the Justice Department in discovery and trials for tort and admiralty litigation.

Environmental / Regulatory

We provide legal guidance, assistance and direction to operating officials on the impact of environmental statutes and regulations on civil works and regulatory functions programs. Reviews all legal aspects of environmental activities at the District and assists in all environmental litigation; advises the district staff in the processing of regulatory permits, wetlands issues, and Clean Water Act violations and pursues enforcement actions against deliberate violators of the Corps’ regulatory program.  For more on our District’s Regulatory program visit our Regulatory page.

Labor and Employment Law

Our Labor Counselor provides legal advice, counsel, guidance and interpretations in the areas of personnel administration, equal employment opportunity and labor relations. Acts as agency trial attorney in employment and labor relations appeals, responsible for the preparation and presentation of cases before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Merit System Protection Board, the Federal Labor Relations Authority and grievance arbitration; supports Justice Department in employment related civil actions.

Contract Industrial Relations (CIR) Program

Our CIR Specialist ensures that all required labor statutes; labor standards provisions and wage determinations are included in all contracts. Determines contractor compliance with all federal labor laws and regulations as they apply to Corps contracts, including proper job classifications, wage determinations and payroll deductions for workers under the contracts; prepares all necessary reports for submission to higher headquarters.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Our FOIA Officer processes FOIA requests for the District and provides initial determinations on whether the information may be released under FOIA or withheld under one of FOIA’s nine exemptions. For more on our FOIA program click here.

Fiscal Law

We provide legal advice on matters of fiscal law, including Anti-Deficiency Act issues.


Renders advice and provides training to government employees, managers, contracting officers and District Engineer on the requirements of the laws involving conflicts of interest, gratuities, and employment restrictions; directs the district's financial disclosure system.

Real Estate

We review all real estate instruments relating to the acquisition and management of leased commercial space for recruiting stations for all military branches. Additionally, we review all real estate instruments relating to the acquisition, out-granting or disposal of army and air force base land including military housing and prepare the required “Attorney’s Opinion of Final Title” for these acquisitions.  We also review real estate plans for civil works projects and agreements requiring the acquisition of land for legal sufficiency.  Provide advice and assistance on condemnations relating to the acquisition of land for military bases or civil works projects and serve as the Corps Attorney for all federal court condemnation actions in support of the Assistant U.S. Attorney.  We provide legal advice on the management of all U.S. real property titled to the Corps and review all associated real estate instruments for legal sufficiency.  Including, recreation leases within flood control basins, easements and out-grants.

Disclaimer:  This is an official U.S. Government web page. This web page is intended to provide information of general interest to the public.  The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication.  The answers herein are of a general nature and are not fact specific.  The answers to specific legal questions depend, in part, on the facts involved in the situation at issue.
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