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104785 - City of Norwalk, CA Print
Written by Greg Boghossian   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104785
Business Program: Water Supply
Congressional District: CA38
Customer/Sponsor: City of Norwalk

Project Synopsis

14-Sep-2007 -- Project Desrciption
The City of Norwalk is located in the southwest part of Los Angeles County. Norwalk is mostly a residential community with a population of approximately 94,000. The proposed study will upgrade fire system and water transmission main. The project will also address the Drainage System Master Plan and the Urban Runoff Plan. The Phase I design work entails preparation of the final P&S for the City of Norwalk's Norwalk Park Reservoir project, using FY05 funds and The Norwalk Park Well Preliminary Design Report (PDR) document prepared in FY04. The Phase II design work involves preparation of P&S for Well #9 project using FY07 funds. The AE contract, to design phase 1 of this project, is scheduled to be awarded by 30 Sep 07.

Project Status

14-Sep-2007 -- Project Status
1) Norwalk Park Well Design- Pre-final (90%) design is completed. Final report is scheduled to be completed by 30 Sept 07. 2) Well # 9 Site Evaluation - 30% level report is completed. Local sponsor reviewed and submitted comments. Awaiting for the pre-final report. 3) Well #9 Design - Cost Sharing Agreement Amend # 4 was executed on 11 September 2007. The AE contract for Phase 1 design is scheduled to be awarded by 30 Sep 07. Phase 2 will be awarded in FY08 as soon as Federal funds are available.

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