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104786 - City of Inglewood, CA Print
Written by Greg Boghossian   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

City of Inglewood is located in the south central part of Los Angeles County, California.  The City of Inglewood is mostly a residential community and has a population of approximately 116,000 people.  The proposed work will provide plans and design for construction of water transmission pipelines, which would provide a more dependable water supply for the City.

Inglewood has approximately 16 miles of transmission pipeline ranging in diameter from 18 inches to 36 inches.  These pipes vary in age from 30 to 50 years old.  Due to the age, soil conditions and pipe materials, a majority of the pipes are susceptible to rupture.  Therefore, it is highly recommended that the majority of these pipelines be replaced to insure continued water supply to the residents of Inglewood, as the majority of these pipelines be replaced to insure continued water supply to the residents of Ingelwood, as well as provide a better overall quality of life and an improved state-of-readiness in the event of natural disasters.

General Project Information

Project ID:  104786
Business Program: Water Supply
Congressional District: CA35
Customer/Sponsor: City of Inglewood

Project Synopsis

17-Sep-2007 -- Project Description
PROMIS Comment Number 1 City of Inglewood is located in the south central part of Los Angeles County, California. The City of Inglewood is mostly a residential community and has a population of approximately 116,000 people. The proposed work will upgrade the water treatment plan to meet current standard for water purification and improve overall safety and security of the facility.

Project Status

22-Aug-2006 -- Project Status
PROMIS Comment Number 131. The initial design cost sharing agreement was executed on 2 July 2003. Amend #1 was executed on 27 May 2004. Amend #2 was executed on 15 July 2005. Amend #3 was sent to local sponsor on 27 March 2006. We expect to execute this amendment by mid to late June 2006.2. Project #1 - With FY05 funds we initiated a comprehensive study of the quality of the water treatment process at the City's water treatment facility and prepare preliminary (10%) P&S for upgrading the Water Treatment Plant. The 30% submittal has been completed. In order to complete the 90% submittal, the AE needed additional data from Well #4. However, since it was shut down for a couple of months, it delayed reading the data and consequently has delayed completion of the 90% submittal until 2 Oct, 2006. 3. Project #2 - Approx. $89,000 was deobligated form task order #13 that was issued in FY04 (AE didn't need to perform the design portion of the task order at the request of the local sponsor). Funds were used to issue a new task order to conduct safety/corrossion inspection of the 2 existing Water Storage tanks at the water treatment plant. The work has been completed. We're scheduled to receive the draft report by mid September 2006. Project #3 - Received $125,000 Fed funds and $42,000 non-Fed funds in FY06. These funds will be used to prepare the final P&S for the Water Treatmnet Plant upgrade project, (continaution of Project #1). The design cost sharing agreement Amend #3 has been signed and we've already conducted the scope meeting for this phase of the project. Awaiting AE's cost proposal before issuing the task order, scheduled for mid September 2006.
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