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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Arizona / Nevada Area Projects arrow 013671 - Pima Co. - Tres Rios Del Norte
013671 - Pima Co. - Tres Rios Del Norte Print
Written by John Drake   
Wednesday, 11 January 2006

Project Description

The study area is located in Pima County (from Prince Road to Sanders Road, Approx. 18 miles) and encompasses the metropolitan area of Tucson, the second largest city in Arizona, Town of Marana and unincorporated Pima County. The study will investigate water resources development opportunities including environmental programs, incorporation of historical cultural features, flood control, and recreation.

The proposed plan would provide ecosystem restoration and recreation by developing terraces and detention basins along the Santa Cruz River, installing six grade control structures in the channel, and restoring habitat within the channel. Diverted wastewater treatment plant effluent and other reclaimed waters would be distributed in order to sustain the restored habitat. 

For more information, please contact:

Public Affairs Officer
Jennie Ayala
(602) 640-2989 x285
3636 N. Central Ave. Suite 900
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1936
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